Aurel Pui - Google Scholar
Electrochemical and spectroscopic characterization of new cobalt (II) complexes. Catalytic activity in oxidation reactions by molecular oxygen. Thermal decomposition of ammonia. N2H4-an...
Aurel PUI | Professor (Full) | Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, …
Aurel PUI, Professor (Full) | Cited by 1,538 | of Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iaşi (UAIC) | Read 135 publications | Contact Aurel PUI
INFORMAŢII PERSONALE Profesor universitar doctor la Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi, Facultatea de Chimie, Prodecan cu activitatea de cercetare la Facultatea de Chimie, …
Aurel Pui, Analysis of magnetic and electrical properties of Ni-Cu-Zn tertiary ferrites (poster), Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, t r s y, Poiana …
Aurel PUI Profesor universitar doctor la Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi Decan Facultatea de Chimie Tel. +40 232 201276 E-mail: [email protected] Data şi locul naşterii: …
Aurel PUI Professor PhD at „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemistry Dean at the Faculty of Chemistry Tel. +40 232 201276 E-mail: [email protected] Place and date of birth: …
Aurel Pui - professor - UAIC | LinkedIn
Professor at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" of Iasi University · Experiență: UAIC · Locație: România · 176 contacte pe LinkedIn. Vizitați profilul lui Aurel Pui pe LinkedIn, o comunitate profesională de 1...
Aurel Pui | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Affiliations: [Faculty of Chemistry, Alexandru Ioan Cuza-áUniversity, Romania].
Aurel Pui's lab | Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza (UAIC)
Principal Investigator: Aurel Pui | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists
Pui, Aurel_Pui, Aurel简介_Pui, Aurel论文-论论 - lunlunapp.com
Pui, Aurel,现任职于亚历山德鲁·伊昂·库扎大学,曾任职于布加勒斯特大学机构,个人H指数为18,累计发表论文117篇,论文总被引数累计1178次,主要研究方向涵盖化学、材料学、化学 …
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