HTML autofocus Attribute - W3Schools
The autofocus attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that the element should automatically get focus when the page loads.
HTML autofocus Attribute - GeeksforGeeks
2025年2月24日 · The HTML autofocus attribute is a powerful tool that enhances user experience by automatically setting the focus to a specific element when a webpage loads. Syntax<input type="text" autofocus> Note: This attribute is boolean, meaning it can either be present or absent.
js自动focus如何实现 | PingCode智库
2024年9月23日 · 通过JavaScript实现自动聚焦的方法有多种,包括使用HTML的autofocus属性、在页面加载时使用JavaScript的focus()方法、以及结合事件监听器动态控制焦点。 这些方法可以帮助你在页面加载时或者特定事件触发时自动将焦点设置到特定的输入元素上。
autofocus - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN - MDN Web Docs
2024年7月25日 · Automatically focusing a form control can confuse visually-impaired people using screen-reading technology and people with cognitive impairments. When autofocus is assigned, screen-readers "teleport" their user to the form control without warning them beforehand. Use careful consideration for accessibility when applying the autofocus attribute ...
HTML input autofocus Attribute - GeeksforGeeks
2025年2月22日 · The autofocus attribute in HTML is used to specify that a particular form element (like an input field, textarea, or select dropdown) should automatically receive focus when the page is loaded, allowing the user to start interacting with it …
HTML <select> autofocus Attribute - GeeksforGeeks
2024年10月3日 · The HTML <select autofocus> attribute allows a dropdown menu (select element) to receive focus when the page loads automatically. It is a boolean attribute, meaning its presence alone activates this behavior without requiring a value. Syntax <select autofocus> Example: This example shows the autofocus attribute on a <select> element. The ...
HTML Autofocus Attribute - Tpoint Tech - Java
HTML Autofocus Attribute - An HTML element with the autofocus attribute indicates the focus of the attribute or tag as soon as the...
HTML <input> Tag with the 'autofocus' Attribute - HTML Codes
Above is an example of adding the autofocus attribute to an input control. The autofocus attribute allows the user to start typing without having to select a control first. In this example, we add the autofocus attribute to the second <input> element (out of three). This results in the second input control being in focus when the page loads.
HTML5 Autofocus - TutorialsCampus
In this topic, we described about the Autofocus with detailed example. Before Autofocus attribute, JavaScript is used to focus an element. It is actually requires developer effort and time. HTML5 introduces autofocus that resolves the above issue and saves time.
The Ultimate Guide to Autofocus in HTML: All You Need to Know
2024年8月5日 · The autofocus attribute is a boolean attribute in HTML that automatically sets the focus to a certain element when the page loads. This is particularly useful for forms, where you might want the first input field to be ready for user input without requiring an extra click.