Autozam AZ-1 - Wikipedia
The Autozam AZ-1, known by the framecode PG6SA, is a mid-engined kei-class sports car, designed and manufactured by Mazda under its Autozam brand. Suzuki provided the engine as well as the inspiration for the design.
Mazda AZ-1 For Sale With Guaranteed Condition - CAR FROM …
Launched in Japan in 1992, the Mazda Autozam AZ-1 (known as the framecode PG6SA), is noted for gullwing doors, is an awesome mini sports car, designed and produced by Suzuki but sold by Autozam, a sub-brand of Mazda. The competitors of the AZ-1 are Honda Beat and Suzuki Cappucino and both of them are K-car too.
Autozam AZ-1 Classic Cars for Sale - Classics on Autotrader
Autozam AZ-1 Classic cars for sale near near you by classic car dealers and private sellers on Classics on Autotrader. See prices, photos, and find dealers near you.
Autozam AZ-1, a Kei Car That Dreamed It Was a Ferrari, Is for Sale
2022年10月7日 · • The Autozam AZ-1 is the rarest of the sporting kei cars (a low road tax category with restrictions on displacement and size), and one is currently listed for sale on the auction site Bring a...
Autozam AZ-1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Autozam AZ-1 是馬自達委託鈴木公司代工並貼上「Autozam」標誌發售的雙門二人座輕型轎跑車,其雙生車款是後者於1993年發售的 鈴木Cara。 Autozam AZ-1與同時期發售的 本田Beat 、 鈴木Cappuccino 等被消費者截取車名字首,合稱為「平成ABC」。
Used Autozam AZ-1 for Sale - Cars & Bids
A mid-mounted 657cc turbocharged 3-cylinder boasting all of 63 horsepower might not sound like much, but the AZ-1’s 1,587-pound curb weight translates to a thrilling driving experience that resembles a miniature supercar.
【老司機科普】平成ABC之A:Autozam AZ-1(PG6SA)
Autozam AZ-1是以马自达在日本本土的子品牌——Autozam的名义进行发售的.是一辆中置后驱軽自動車(MR Kei Sports Car).配备657cc直列三缸DOHC12v涡轮增压F6A发动机+5速手动变速箱,最高64匹马力,整车质量720KG,前后重量分布45:55,操控起来得心应手.
你从未见过的JDM!搭载0.6升三缸发动机的超跑Autozam AZ-1_ …
Autozam AZ-1车的长3295mm,宽1395mm,高1150mm,轴距2235mm,采用中置后驱布局,搭载657CC直列三缸涡轮增压发动机,最大功率64马力,最大扭矩85牛米,匹配5速手动变速器,百公里加速11秒,最高车速140公里每小时。
Autozam AZ-1 was a production version of a micro-coupe exhibited at the Tokyo Motor Show 1989 as a reference model. Due to its bold, ground-hugging style, gull-wing doors and plastic body panels, the AZ-1 had enough radical features to be talked about. Mazda adopted a midship layout where the 660cc turbo engine was placed behind the driver’s ...
The Tiny Autozam AZ-1 Is The Ultimate 'Slow Car Fast ... - The …
2023年9月28日 · The AZ-1 is a Kei-class car, a category of small car designed specifically for Japan and the unique geographic and cultural idiosyncrasies that entails. It’s a class of hardworking delivery vehicles and little commuter cars. It’s not a category that demands a supercar, and yet that’s exactly what the AZ-1 is: a Kei-class supercar.