High quality open-ended wooden toys, activity gyms and wooden furniture for kids. Internationally certified and child friendly designs.
avdar gym is now available in usa. please carefully read our shipping policy before placing your order. thank you!
Climber Activity Gym – AVDAR
AVDAR activity gym was designed for your little ones that are eager to climb, explore and learn about their surrounding environment safely. The compact yet spacious design of the gym allows for physical and emotional development for young children while just playing.
歐美媽媽推薦 - 滑梯 鞦韆 攀岩一次擁有|AVDAR GYM 台灣獨家代 …
滑梯、鞦韆、攀岩等小孩最愛的遊樂設施,讓avdar兒童攀爬架替你一次擁有。 那些小小的腳丫子致力於引進國外優質品牌,提供完善的售後服務一年保固,用最無負擔的價格讓媽媽們拉近世界與小腳丫們的距離。
Amazon.com: AVDAR Indoor Jungle Gym, 8-in-1 Beechwood …
2024年1月10日 · AVDAR Indoor Jungle Gym, 8-in-1 Beechwood Toddler Climber Playset, Wooden Montessori Indoor Playground for Kids, Easy Assembly, Safe & Sustainable
AVDAR Gym尺寸與安裝 - ohmylittlefoot
AVDAR Gym詳細組裝尺寸與安裝|提供超簡易快速上手安裝教學|含滑梯鞦韆吊環 20坪小家庭也放得下的不斷電遊樂場,僅需半坪不到的大小,隨時隨心輕鬆遊玩,再也不必受到疫情天氣人潮拘束
AVDAR 櫸木彩虹款 - 攀爬架|那些小小的腳ㄚ子
【超級放電神器】AVDAR櫸木彩虹款攀爬架,內附孩子最愛的 鞦韆 滑梯 吊環,不論晴雨在家也能開心放電。 每天1hr大肢體運動,促進【感覺統合】訓練,把握0-3歲大腦黃金發展期,玩出健康、玩出聰明! 培養未來專注力! 組合內附:雙面攀爬滑梯(滑梯面及攀岩面)、鞦韆、吊環。 歐洲進口櫸木實木製作,承重200kg 。 通過歐美高規格安全檢驗,那些小小的腳丫子台灣獨家代理,享 …
Amazon.com: AVDAR Indoor Jungle Gym, Toddler Climber …
Complete Play Experience: Encompasses gym, double-sided slide, swing for a comprehensive and engaging playtime. High Weight Capacity: Holds up to 440lbs, enabling 3-4 children to enjoy the equipment simultaneously, fostering social interaction and fun.
- 评论数: 1
Sun Climber Set – AVDAR
Designed for children aged 1.5 to 7 years, the Sun Climber Gym promotes physical and mental development, improving motor skills, coordination, and spatial awareness—all while having fun. Perfect for group play with up to 3-4 kids. The new Sun-climber gym includes all the beloved features of our classic gym design.
守護孩童珍貴童年 AVDAR攀爬架打造居家遊樂場 - styletc
2022年2月25日 · 其中討論度最高,被歐美媽媽們譽為「放電神器」的avdar實木攀爬架也正式登台,媲美手工打造的工藝製作,經歐盟檢驗安全無毒認證,享譽歐美等20餘國。
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