Avgin - Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Avgins were once one of the fragmented Sigonian clans located in Sigonia-IV. They were comprised of members of the Avgin race and worshipped Gaiathra Triclops. Eventually, the clan suffered a massacre by the Katicans during the Kakava festival. It is believed that Aventurine is the last living Avgin. [1]
砂金身世背景文化考据:吉普赛人的千年流浪哀旅 - 哔哩哔哩
而茨冈尼亚人却在这里顽强的生存着,并分化为数个以游牧为生的氏族,其中之一就是砂金的母族——「埃维金人(Avgin)」。 根据游戏文案的说法「埃维金(Avgin)」在茨冈尼亚语中意为「蜂蜜」,而这里的茨冈尼亚语其实就是吉普赛人的语言罗姆语(Romani),avgin在罗姆语 中的意思确实就是「蜂蜜」,这是一个来自于波斯语词汇angabīn(蜂蜜)的借词。 虽然在外来者眼中茨冈尼亚-IV无疑是“诸神唾弃之地”,但扎根于这里的埃维金人 却发展出了完全独立于星神体系的 …
Did the IPC take advantage of the avgin? (Spoilers alert)
From what we know, the Katica's started a revolt with genocide as their intent, and the Avgins defended themselves with support from the IPC, but the result was the Avgins being almost entirely wiped out and the IPC using the devastation as call to step in directly and take control of the planet, which might cast suspicions on just how much aid ...
如何评价《崩坏:星穹铁道》2.1版本剧情中的“砂金”? - 知乎
而 茨冈尼亚人 却在这里顽强的生存着,并分化为数个以游牧为生的氏族,其中之一就是砂金的母族—— 「埃维金人(Avgin)」。 根据游戏文案的说法 「埃维金(Avgin)」 在茨冈尼亚语中意为 「蜂蜜」,而这里的 茨冈尼亚语 其实就是 吉普赛人 的语言 罗姆语(Romani), avgin 在 罗姆语 中的意思确实就是 「蜂蜜」,这是一个来自于波斯语词汇angabīn(蜂蜜)的借词。 虽然在外来者眼中 茨冈尼亚-IV 无疑是“诸神唾弃之地”,但扎根于这里的 埃维金人 却发展出了完全独立于星 …
2024年2月10日 · 根据过场提示的信息,砂金所属的「埃维金人(Avgin)」是茨冈尼亚-Ⅳ的原住民之一,精通与悬崖绝壁为伴的生活之道。 「埃维金」在茨冈尼亚语中意为「蜂蜜」 ,用以强调他们钻营取巧、口蜜腹剑的天性。
埃维金人 - 百度百科
埃维金人,游戏《崩坏:星穹铁道》世界观中的种族。 茨冈尼亚 -Ⅳ的原住民之一,精通与悬崖绝壁为伴的生活之道。 埃维金,茨冈尼亚语中意为「蜂蜜」——这种约定俗成的称呼如今已彻底遗落于宇宙的历史长河之中。 正所谓空穴来风:埃维金人天生拥有姣好面容和绚丽双眸,加之天生的高情商,非常擅长博取陌生人的好感。 然而,这种天赋为他们招来了嫉妒和仇恨:那些眼红的势利小人开始了无休止的诽谤污蔑,而此种非议也在银河间不胫而走。 众口铄金,本就是边星小民 …
What is Avgin? Sigonia? and Kakava? [Honkai Star Rail Lore Guide]
In the main story 2.1, we're presented with the life story of Aventurine. Throughout the story, Sigonia, Avgin, and Gaithra are mentioned repeatedly. But what are they actually? In this video,...
Aventurine's Lore | Honkai: Star Rail Wiki | Fandom
Avgin is the Romani word for "honey." Most of Aventurine's Eidolon names are taken from concepts in game theory and decision theory. The prisoner's dilemma is a game where two players benefit by cooperating, but have an incentive to betray the other. They must each make their decision without knowing the other player's decision.
About Aventurine : r/HonkaiStarRail - Reddit
Aventurine specifically is an "Avgin", which in-universe is the Sigonian word for honey. Sometimes are enslaved? I searched up "Avgin honey" and the first search result was a Wikipedia page on the Romani language, which says Avgin is the Romani word for honey.
Digging Deeper into 'Honkai: Star Rail' - Unraveling the Mystery of ...
2024年2月8日 · Characterized as Sparkle’s sidekick, Aventurine doesn’t cease to intrigue gamers with his Sigonian ethnicity and behavioral attributes. The enigma spirals when he’s identified as an ‘Avgin’, a term our users deduced to mean ‘honey’ in Romani.