Aviation Industry Corporation of China - Wikipedia
The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) is a Chinese state-owned publicly-traded aerospace and defense conglomerate headquartered in Beijing. AVIC is overseen by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.
AVIC | English
We are centered on aviation and provide complete services to customers in many sectors - from research and development to operation, manufacturing and financing.
中国航空技术国际控股有限公司 - avic-intl.cn
中国航空技术国际控股有限公司(简称“中航国际”)是中国航空工业集团有限公司的全资子公司和国际化发展的先锋队,业务包括航空技术国际合作、航空运营与支持服务、海外政府国计民生项目总包等。 我们以“超越商业 共创美好世界”为使命,发挥全球网络和平台功能,积极参与“一带一路”建设,致力于让航空制造、航空产品走向世界。
AVIC Aircraft - Wikipedia
AVIC Aircraft Corporation Ltd. (AVIC Aircraft) is a state-owned enterprise in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, which manufactures and markets structural parts and components for aircraft and automobiles. [1] It was founded in 1997 by Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation. It was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange the same year. [2]
Commercial Aircraft - avic.com
AVIC is a major OEM of civil aircraft in China, including regional passenger aircraft, general aircraft, and helicopters. AVIC is also a global supplier of inferior systems and aero-structure.
Organization of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)
2024年1月22日 · Established in 1951, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) is China’s largest aviation enterprise, responsible for producing essentially all of China’s domestic military aircraft, UAVs, and helicopters, as well as a wide range of civilian aircraft and other aviation and non-aviation products and services.
AVIC - AVIC - China National Aero-Technology Import & Export …
AVIC has over 100 member units and 26 listed companies, with more than 400,000 employees. MISSION. To build a powerful aviation nation, and become a guardian of national security, a leader in high-quality development, and a creator of sustainable development value. VISION. To provide customers with world-class hightech aviation products and ...
AVIC - 中航直升机股份有限公司
中航直升机股份有限公司(英文名称: AVICOPTER PLC,证券简称:中直股份,证券代码:600038)成立于1999年,前身是哈飞航空工业股份有限公司,于2000年在上海证券交易所上市,2014年12月25日更名为中航直升机股份有限公司。 公司注册地位于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,办公总部位于北京市,主要运营基地分布于黑龙江省哈尔滨市、江西省景德镇市和河北省保定市、天津市滨海新区等地区。 公司是国内直升机制造业中规模最大、产值最高、产品系列最全的主力 …
AVIC - 中航重机股份有限公司
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