Lockheed Martin X-33 - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin X-33 was a proposed uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane that was developed for a period in the 1990s. The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle.
X-33试验机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
X-33 由洛克希德.马丁公司著名的“ 臭鼬工厂 ”研制,它是无人驾驶 单级入轨 可重复使用航天运载飞行器“冒险星”的 1/2 比例的原型机,机长 20.29 米,机高 5.88 米,翼展 22.06 米。 X-33 采用垂直起飞方式,亚轨道飞行,能在飞行跑道上着陆。 X-33的 动力采用一台波音公司特别开发的 J2S 火箭发动机,其余部件也是包含了诸多高科技元素。 2001 年3月,同样由于存在诸多难以突破的技术难关(如线性气尖引擎,linear aerospike engine),NASA 取消了已经耗资了 13 亿美元的 X …
X-33 由 洛克希德·马丁公司 著名的“臭鼬工程队”研制,它是无人驾驶单级入轨可重复使用航天运载飞行器“冒险星”的 1/2 比例的 原型机,机长 20.29 米,机高21.73米(带喷尾) ,翼展5.88 米 22.06 米。 X-33的起飞重量将是131吨,干重为33吨。 已将干重降低了约2404~ 2586公斤。 火箭各组件由一石墨环氧桁架连到一起。 头锥和前缘部分由碳/碳防热段覆盖,上表面使用柔性可复用表面 隔热材料 (FRSI)和先进柔性可复用表面隔热材料(AFRSI) 石英 隔热毡,下表面由 …
Lockheed Martin X-33 - NASA
2016年2月17日 · NASA selected Lockheed Martin to design, build, and fly the X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator test vehicle between March and December 1999. The X-33, a half-scale vehicle, was expected to feature a lifting-body shape, a new "aerospike" rocket engine, and a rugged metallic thermal protection system.
X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator - NASA
2014年2月28日 · It awarded a contract to Lockheed Martin to build and fly an uncrewed technology demonstrator. Much of the vehicle was entirely new, including the linear aerospace rocket motor and the composite cryogenic propellant tanks. The leap exceeded what existing and developing technology could support.
Nasa Lockheed Martin X-33 spaceplane - YouTube
2007年10月27日 · Lockheed Martin's X-33 was to be a sub-scale suborbital technology demonstrator for a singe-stage-to-orbit resuable spaceplane to be called Venturestar. NASA...
X-33 - Single Stage to Orbit - AeroSpaceGuide.net
2021年7月8日 · It was developed jointly between NASA and Lockheed Martin Skunk Works of Palmdale, California. X-33 was cancelled in 2001. The X-33 was designed to take off vertically like a rocket, reaching an altitude of up to 60 miles and speeds faster than Mach 13 (13 times the speed of sound), and landing horizontally like an airplane.
Aircraft Museum - X-33 - Aerospaceweb.org
2009年9月26日 · Lockheed Martin X-33 history, specifications, schematics, pictures, and data.
Skunk Works' X-33 and VentureStar - SpaceflightHistories
2023年5月3日 · In 1999, Lockheed Martin's Advanced Development Programs (aka Skunk Works) was selected to design, build, and fly the X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator, a concept similar to its Star Clipper Spaceplane. The X-33 had a length of 69 feet (21 m), a wingspan of 68 feet (20.7 m), and a thrust at sea level of 410,000 pounds.
装备|X-33——我们来聊一聊无人航天飞机 - 搜狐
2017年9月3日 · 按照当时的设想,X-33样机将是一款造型优美的三角形空气动力装置,长21米,宽23.5米,发射时重量为129.4吨,其中95.3吨将是液氢和液氧燃料,不设任何窗口,也不携带宇航员,垂直升空,着陆时则类似于一架自动驾驶飞机,动力采用一台波音公司特别开发的 J2S 火箭发动机,其余部件也是包含了诸多高科技元素。 如果X-33研制成功,它将取代火箭和航天飞机成为更廉价更安全的航天器。 由于NASA预算充足,马丁公司实力强大,从一开始双方 …
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