Apola Odi, app with Ifá verses and audios of the signs of Odi - Ilé Awo
Increase your knowledge with Apola Odi, the new app with 75 Ifá verses of all the Odi and the audios recited by Babalawo Yorubas.
Idi Wikipedia: Idi-Iwori - Orula
odi oro es el ifa del tabaco, cuando el awo se ve este ifa fuma tabaco y le echa humo a shango. en untefa, akofa o awofaka, se pone a todo el mundo a fumar tabaco. aqui orunmila quizo imponer la bondad en el mundo. el awo odi oro nunca se puede baÑa en el mar. habla la flor de agua que se abre a cierta hora del dia y se cierra a cierta hora ...
Signo: Odi Ka - Tratado de Ifa
Odi Ka fue el primero que oberi en la tierra a los hombres primero a Baba Ejiogbe, después a Ogbe tua, tercero a Ogunda Fun y cuarto a Osalo Fobeyo. Odi Ka obori con agua de mar y eya Tuto nla que tenga elenu con la elenu se monta un inshe-Ozain.
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Today, the 7 th of June, 2014, all Awo the world over gathered at the World Ifa Temple in Oke Itase, Osun State in order to cast the Annual Ifa for the whole world. During Ifa consultation, Odi Ogbe (Idin Iwinlara) was revealed. For those born by this Odu during Ikosedaye of …
LibGuides: African Traditional Religions: Ifa Divination: Prayer
2024年11月19日 · Somewhat like chomkah (wisdom) in Proverbs 8 and "logos" ( word-thought) in John 1:1-5 of the Jewish and Christian sacred texts, Ela is the pre-existent and omnipresent spirit of wisdom and knowledge. This intelligence is incarnated through Orunmila. ORIKA ELA. (Invocation to the Spirit of Destiny) Ela omo osin. Ela Omo Oyigiyigi ota omi.
When this Odu's Awó earns money from ceremonies at his house, he must give money and two coconuts to the Awos present so that their things go well. This Odu predicts that you cannot live at home in high places and where you live you must have a dirt patio. Here ORUNMILA is given a guitar with a string.
Ilé Awo: Ifá and the Orisa of the traditional Yoruba religion - Ilé Awo
Welcome to Ilé Awo, the first Spanish-speaking, Ifá Traditional Yoruba website. Created by Ifábiyìí Akódà, Ilé Awo is a tool to spread traditional Yoruba culture throughout the world. Here, the initiated and the uninitiated can find important information about who Orunmila is, the Ifá ceremonies, the offerings to the Orisa, the Oke ...
Awo Ifa World Perspective: ORÍKÌ ODI MEJI: Invocation for
In Ebora, Awo Falokun provides an in depth explanation of the often misunderstood topic of Spiritual Warriors in Ifa. Set to the rhythm of the universal hero’s journey, baba takes us on a voyage into the Yoruba spiritual world.
Raul Awo Odi Roso - Facebook
Raul Awo Odi Roso is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Raul Awo Odi Roso and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.
Ile Awo Orisa - Seifu-Sharif.com
2019年2月18日 · Odi-Meji (Idi-Meji) is the healer for all the other Odus in the pantheon. Before Olodumare sent each Odu to Orunmila in Aye, He gave them each specific powers and functions that they all specialize in. It is these functions that they must carry out through Orunmila whenever he calls on them as instructed by 0lodumare.