Aiga Forum, a forum for news and views that promotes Unity in …
East African News: Aigaforum.com is your Reliable Source for Ethiopian, Tigrayan, and East African related news.
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views that promotes ...
2020年9月2日 · Ethiopia tried to silence its own citizens stuck in hellish Saudi detention centres telegraph.co.uk - A document leaked to The Telegraph shows that the Ethiopian government tried to silence hundreds of its own citizens stuck in hellish detention centres in Saudi Arabia and cover-up allegations of horrendous abuse.
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views that promotes ...
2020年8月17日 · Ethiopia: Opposition Figures Held Without Charge (Nairobi)- Ethiopian authorities have been detaining dozens of opposition members and journalists without charge since late June 2020, raising serious rights concerns.The authorities detained government critics across the political spectrum, including Lammi Begna of the Oromo Liberation Front, Lidetu Ayalew, and officials from the former ruling ...
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views that promotes ...
2020年10月1日 · Tik-Tok: Rising to the Occasion Aesop 09/29/2020 - The time is ticking for Derg 2.0. The last supper of this regime, October 5, 2020, is fast approaching.
Aiga, Ethiopia- A Living Monument of Courage!
Ethiopian news: aigaforum.com is reliable source for Ethiopian related News. You will find daily Ethiopian News, topical discussion forum Blog
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views and to …
Archive upto 2018
Aggression Against Tigrai by Abiy Ahmed Nov 2020 - Aiga Forum
Ethiopian officials accused of extorting Tigrayan detainees Ethiopian security officers have been systematically extorting and abusing Tigrayan civilians held without charge, including minors and the elderly, since a wave of nationwide mass arrests began last year, according to alleged victims and their families.
FORGET THE “FORGIVE & FORGET” MANTRA OF A MISPLACED PITY Adal Isaw [email protected] . Jan 02 2011. The law on some perverted occasions becomes blind; for instance, when it indiscriminately prohibits the owner of a mansion and a homeless from spending the night underneath a bridge.
Aiga, Ethiopia- A Living Monument of Courage! - Aiga Forum
2017年9月9日 · Interview with Ato Meles Alem Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, September 09, 2017 (Aigaforum) Sep 09, 2017 - In an exclusive Interview with Aigaforum Ato Meles Alem, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson wished a happy and prosperous Ethiopia's 2010 New Year for all Ethiopians!
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views that promotes ...
2019年3月31日 · Ethiopian news: Aigaforum.com is your Reliable Source for Ethiopian related news. You will find daily Ethiopian News, Topical Discussion Forum Blog