Consolidated B-24 Liberator - Wikipedia
The Consolidated B-24 Liberator is an American heavy bomber, designed by Consolidated Aircraft of San Diego, California. It was known within the company as the Model 32, and some initial production aircraft were laid down as export models designated as various LB-30s, in the Land Bomber design category.
B-24 Aircraft - The 449th Bomb Group(H)
The twin-tailed B-24H — with a wingspan of 110 feet, overall length of 67 feet and a height of 18 feet — was powered by four Pratt & Whitney R-1830-65 engines, each rated at 1,200 horsepower. The aircraft weighed in empty at just over 36,000 pounds. Maximum loaded weight was …
B-24轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
B-24「解放者」式轟炸機(英語: B-24 Liberator )是美國於第二次世界大戰投入使用的一種重型轟炸機,由團結飛機公司(Consolidated Aircraft)研製,其設計特色是導入 戴維斯翼型 ( 英语 : Davis wing ) ,使飛機具備較
Consolidated B-24 Liberator - Aviation History
On 29 December 2019, the Consolidated B-24 Liberator, one of the most famous bombers of World War II, turned 80 years old. More than 18,400 of this type were built, making it the most produced American wartime aircraft. It gained a distinguished war record with operations in the European, Pacific, African and Middle Eastern theaters.
B-24H, Heavy Bomber - AirPages
At the beginning of January 1944, six new bombing groups were transferred to North Africa on the B-24N. On January 19, one of them, 449th, “plowed” the enemy airfield in Perugia, where the air reconnaissance officers were based. This contributed to the achievement of surprise in the Allied landing at Anzio four days later.
B-24轰炸机 - 百度百科
B-24轰炸机(英文:B-24 Bomber,绰号:Liberator,译文:解放者),是第二次世界大战时期美国研制的一种重型远程轰炸机。 B-24轰炸机采用常规气动布局,大翼展上单翼,收放式起落架,双垂尾;飞机装备四台星形发动机;具有载弹量大、航程远的特点。
B-24 | WWII Bomber, USAAF, Consolidated Aircraft | Britannica
2025年2月6日 · B-24, long-range heavy bomber used during World War II by the U.S. and British air forces. It was designed by the Consolidated Aircraft Company (later Consolidated-Vultee) in response to a January 1939 U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) requirement for a four-engined heavy bomber. The B-24 was powered by
The B-24: The Great Liberator - Lockheed Martin
A B-24 could reach 290 miles per hour and carry a 5,000-pound bomb load for 1,700 miles, giving it a longer range, greater speed and a bigger payload than its B-17 cousin. By 1941, B-24s were being shipped to Great Britain, where they were given the name Liberator and adapted for a variety of purposes, including coastal patrol, protecting ...
B-24解放者的“犹大山羊” - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
作为第458轰炸机大队导航机的编号为41-28697的B-24H“ 斑驴猿 ”(Spotted Ass Ape),这架导航机至少执行过一次完整的目标地带领并幸存。 注意其尾翼的红白相间的条纹图案,这是第458轰炸机大队的标志。
B-24 LIBERATOR VARIANTS 1940-1945 - Kassel Mission
B-24H. Very similar to the B-24G, the B-24H coincided with some of the activities going on with the "G." Improvements were made to waist gun location that staggered the gunners on each side. The Emerson turrets for the nose and the MPC for the tail were now standard.
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