North American B-25 Mitchell - Wikipedia
The North American B-25 Mitchell is an American medium bomber that was introduced in 1941 and named in honor of Brigadier General William "Billy" Mitchell, a pioneer of U.S. military aviation. [2]
Meet America's B-25G Bomber: The Plane That Used A Tank …
2020年1月6日 · The dapper North American B-25 was particularly well known for its role in delivering a morale-boosting one-way strike on Japan immortalized in Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo.
B-25米切尔型轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
從1943年,英格塢開始生產生產400架B-25G,堪薩斯城工廠則將至少63架B-25C改良成G型規格。 展示其搭載的75毫米M5航空炮(圖下)和4挺 白朗寧M2 .50口徑重機槍的柔性輸彈槽和槍管(圖上)的B-25H“芭比III”。 B-25G的改良型,全系列中火力最強的一個型號,H型生產了1000架,全於北美航空的英格塢工廠產製。
板收割机,B-25G安装一门75毫米坦克炮专打日军舰艇 - 知乎
b-25“米切尔”轰炸机,作为二战期间相当成功的一款双发中型轰炸机,由北美出品和同期 p-51 “野马”一样具有极佳的性能表现。 自1941年正式列装之后,和一场历史事业相结合直接使B-25名传青史,这场任务就是1942年 杜利特 奇袭东京。
B-25 History Project
B-25G-NA History. The B-25G-NA was designed at the request of the United States Army. The 75mm cannon, known as the M-4, had been in development and testing since 1936. In 1938, the M-4 cannon was successfully installed and tested in a Douglas B-18. The cannon was demonstrated at Eglin Field in 1940.
B-25米切尔型轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
從1943年,英格塢開始生產生產400架B-25G,堪薩斯城工廠則將至少63架B-25C改良成G型規格。 展示其搭載的75毫米M5航空炮(圖下)和4挺 白朗寧M2 .50口徑重機槍的柔性輸彈槽和槍管(圖上)的B-25H“芭比III”。
二战美国的“大杀器”——B-25炮艇 - 百家号
b-25g/h轰炸机上的75毫米炮, 是二战期间投入实战的最大口径航空机炮。该炮在当时已经是登峰造极, 与当代飞机相比, 也仅次于ac-130炮艇机上的105毫米口径榴弹炮。二战时期, 坦克与坦克歼击车的大炮直径多为75、76、76.2毫米, 战争后期, 个别坦克与坦克歼击车火炮 ...
Aircraft: North American B-25G Mitchell - Aero Web
The 341 BG in the CBI had a few B-25G and G-12 including one modified from a B-25C, perhaps the oldest G-12. The 28 BG(C) also had a few B-25G in the Northern Pacific. In contrast to most published reports which state that the B-25H was widely accepted as superior, the facts support the wider use of the B-25G in the AAF especially in the anti ...
B-25G Mitchell Fires Its 75MM Cannon - World War Wings
2019年6月7日 · Originally designed as a medium bomber, the U.S. eventually needed a harder hitting plane that could do more damage with its guns. That’s when North American stepped up and showcased their newest modified B-25, the ‘G’ variant. The 75 mm Gun was a standard American weapon mounted on World War II tanks and packed quite a punch.
The Warship-Busting B-25G Bomber Had a Killer Cannon from a …
2024年2月25日 · The modified B-25G, equipped with a cannon and additional machine guns, demonstrated a unique approach to precision strikes against maritime targets, supplementing traditional bombing tactics...