Re: What's purpose of gyroscopic cockpit for B-Wing?
Added the B-wing to the New Republic fleet. Heavy Gunship playstyle, back-line fighter; Low maneuverability, relies on boosting/drifting to move and turn efficiently; High durability and primary damage output, explosive capital ship damage and built-in ion cannons; Relies on Support/allies to reach capital ships and survive while dealing damage
B-Wing — Scifi-Meshes.com
2020年12月3日 · I've been working on this B-Wing for a while now. I'm finishing up the main part of the s-foil wings, and then I'll move on to the rest of the detailing and paneling. I'm planning on doing the cockpit as well. There's still a ton do work on. …
Where is my B-wing? - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
my favorite starfighter, besides the x wing, is 100% the B-wing. i hope EA can hear me out and understand that the b-wing is old school and original. Please consider adding it very soon EA. Please.
Tie Defenders and B-Wings anyone? - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Tie Phantoms, E-Wings, I’m sure some lore buffs could keep this going. We already have the customization options that include a lot of their potential loadouts, all we need is the ship models themselves. obviously this would require a lot of counter balancing between ship choices, and as …
Talon's starship designs of miscellany - Page 6 - Scifi-Meshes.com
The A-Wing has proven very effective in this role, but the addition of the V-Wing to the fleet will give them a Heavy Interceptor, not heavy in weight, it shouldn't be that much bigger than an A-Wing, but heavier in pure stopping power.
Tribute to the X-Wing Game, Shuttle boarding — Scifi-Meshes.com
2007年3月29日 · I liked that game a lot and of "Tie Figther", of the package of expansion of "B-Wing" and also of the X-Wing X Tie-Figther. Very nice pic. Forcemaster2000 331 Posts: 0 Member
BTL-B Y-wing (WIP) — Scifi-Meshes.com
2019年8月10日 · 3D BTL-B Y-wing (WIP) YIIMM 179 Posts: 96 Member. August 2019 in Work in Progress #1.
Wing Commander 1 — Scifi-Meshes.com
2012年5月5日 · 3D Wing Commander 1. Zohrath 0 Posts: 0 Member. May 2012 edited May 2012 in Finished Work #1.
A-WING Fighter - Studio Scale — Scifi-Meshes.com
2013年8月8日 · Hi Guys Not done any Star Wars stuff for a while, but this is a side project, while I work on The Avengers stuff, .....
B-type Battleship. — Scifi-Meshes.com
2010年5月14日 · I totally rebuilt the wing pod into a cannon pod with two mega plasma cannon on the forward. I will also place several turrets and point defense guns on it. new wing pod.jpg 413.9K