Rockwell B-1 Lancer - Wikipedia
The Rockwell B-1 Lancer[b] is a supersonic variable-sweep wing, heavy bomber used by the United States Air Force. It has been nicknamed the "Bone" (from "B-One"). [2][3] As of 2024, it is one of the United States Air Force's three strategic bombers, along with the B-2 Spirit and the B-52 Stratofortress.
The story of the B-1R Regional bomber, the Mach 2.2 Lancer …
2024年5月23日 · Nicknamed “The Bone,” the B-1B Lancer is a long-range, multi-mission, supersonic conventional bomber, which has served the United States Air Force since 1985. The aircraft is on track to continue flying, at current demanding operations tempo, out to 2040 and beyond, and Boeing partners with the Air Force to keep the B-1 mission ready.
B-1R: The world’s BIGGEST air superiority fighter?!
1 天前 · Origins. The B-1 officially started to take shape in 1969. It intended to build a heavy payload bomber that could perform fairly short sprints above Mach 2. The goal was to dash past heavy Soviet defenses near the nation’s border, decrease speed inside the nation’s interior, and deliver its nuclear payload.
B-1R: The 'Regional' Version of the B-1B Lancer Bomber That Failed
2024年5月29日 · Summary: The B-1B Lancer, or “The Bone,” has been a key U.S. Air Force bomber since the 1980s, renowned for its long-range, multi-mission capabilities. Originally a nuclear bomber, it transitioned...
Supporting allied long-range strike: Reviving the B-1R regional …
2020年2月18日 · Originally designed to supplement the US bomber fleet to support combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, the proposed B-1R regional bomber variant would breathe new life into the US Air Force’s B-1 fleet and support its role within Global Strike Command – but how can it support the long-range strike needs for Australia and regional allies?
B-1槍騎兵戰略轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
B-1“槍騎兵” (英語: B-1 Lancer),是 美國空軍 在 冷戰 末期開始使用的 超音速 可變後掠翼 重型長程 戰略轟炸機,由 北美航空 (後與 洛克威爾公司 合併,又被 波音 併購)於1970年代研製,在1974年首次試飛,並於1985年服役。 二战后, 美国战略空军 的战略轰炸机走高空高速技术路线。 相继发展出10台发动机的 B-36D,6台发动机的 B-47,8台发动机的 B-52同溫層堡壘轟炸機,1960年服役 B-58轰炸机 (英语:Convair B-58 Hustler) 最大飞行高度超过了15200米, …
激肽释放酶 - 百度百科
B2 R为管家 基因表达 ,是正常状态下激肽发挥作用的主要受体,对 缓激肽 ,胰激肽敏感;而B1R在炎症和缺血等损伤下诱导生成,对des-Arg_-kallidin,des-Arg -BK敏感,其中B1 R对des-Arg_-kallidin的敏感度大于des-Arg -BK。
不但B1R 表达上调,且其上调与疼痛剧烈程度、 TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 1, TRPV1) ( 表达热痛觉过敏的受体) 基因密切相关。这表明 B1R 也参与急性炎性疼痛的发生[18]。 B1R 在炎症时表达上调可能有以下几种机制。 (1) 细胞活性因子、神经营养因子等诱导B1R ...
Nature子刊揭示激肽选择性识别和缓激肽受体激活的分子机制 - 专 …
该研究利用冷冻电镜解析了B1R和B2R分别结合Des-Arg10-kallidin和缓激肽以及下游Gq蛋白复合物的立体结构,分辨率达到3.0和2.9埃。 结合结构分析和功能实验结果,研究揭示了激肽选择性识别缓激肽受体亚型的分子机理。 研究发现,Des-Arg10-kallidin对B1R高选择性的关键在其羧基末端苯丙氨酸(F9)的游离羧基与受体残基K1183.33和R2025.38间形成的静电作用。 就缓激肽而言,B2R多肽结合口袋中的T2245.38、F2866.51和D2936.58形成了比B1R更大的空间以容纳缓 …
Bradykinin receptor-1 activation induces inflammation and
Bradykinin 1 receptor (B1R) activation has been implicated in many neuroinflammatory diseases, but the contribution of B1R to inflammation and vascular breakdown is yet to be determined. As a result, the present study evaluated the effect of B1R stimulation using Des-Arg-9-BK on the cytokine profile and junctional properties of human cerebral ...