*MYSTERY CODE* B2AAA ???? help identify... | Chevrolet Colorado …
2012年8月24日 · hello all, a CEL code has been popping up the last few days and keeps giving me B2AAA on my ScanGauge. It was running rough at some idles at a stop and seemed a …
B2AAA code (actually P0420) - Diesel Place
2011年11月18日 · Hi guys, my SEL came on couple of days ago, hooked up my obd-2 scanner and it pulled up B2AAA code. Unfortunately that code means nothing.. so I took it into the …
'07 LBZ throwing B2aaa code - Diesel Place
2018年8月15日 · Hey there. Anyone experience this? Auto scan tool pulls up B2aaa as code. Can't find anything definitive. I'd like to stay away from the dealership as it seems to make me …
Clean exhaust filter/DTC B2AAA - Diesel Place
2008年1月30日 · Hi, I'm not having much luck with finding info on the B2AAA code When some of you are getting a DIC clean exhaust filter and check engine lite what is the code you are reading?
Sudden loss of fuel mileage - Diesel Place
2015年8月25日 · B2AAA is the code my scan gauge 2 displays. From what I have read it normally means it has thrown a code the scan gauge doesn't understand, hopefully it will do it with efi …
2015 LML - Diesel Place
2019年11月2日 · Anyone know whats wrong with my 2015 gmc sierra LML codes B2AAA, P01D1,P01D2,P01D3,P02D9, P02DB? Dealer has call in for recommendation from GM. GM …
Check engine light - Diesel Place
2020年3月25日 · Welcome to DieselPlace Please take a moment to fill out your signature with vehicle information ( Year, Make, and Model ) and list any known mods. Also, add a general …
New truck throwing NOX codes.. | Diesel Place
2015年6月13日 · So about halfway home from the dealership the CEL came on. After the 200 mile trip pulled into the driveway and checked the codes with my torque app and this is what I …
Truck cranks but won't start???? | Diesel Place
2013年9月16日 · Truck cranks but won't fire!!! Please help I'm 2000 miles from home and have a 20ft trailer I need to tow back home to Florida any help will be very helpful thank you... Or call …
Good old electrical gremlins... help!
2014年7月18日 · This morning I had more codes than usual. Here is the run of them now. P0171 - System too lean (This has been happening since day one, I guess it's the K&N) P0336 - …