B360M HD3 (rev. 1.0) Key Features | Motherboard - GIGABYTE
Intel B360 Ultra Durable motherboard with GIGABYTE 8118 Gaming LAN, PCIe Gen3 x4 M.2, Anti-Sulfur Resistor, Smart Fan 5, DualBIOS™, CEC 2019 ready. * Product specifications and product appearance may differ from country to country.
【技嘉B360M HD3】报价_参数_图片_论坛_GIGABYTE B360M HD3 …
中关村在线为您提供技嘉B360M HD3主板最新报价,同时包括技嘉B360M HD3图片、技嘉B360M HD3参数、技嘉B360M HD3评测行情、技嘉B360M HD3论坛、技嘉B360M HD3点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买技嘉B360M HD3主板提供有价值的参考
B360M HD3 - GIGABYTE 技嘉科技
技嘉H370/B360支持Intel Optane™ Memory技术,将SSD的低延迟高带宽特性与机械硬盘的大容量有机结合,让用户可以同时兼得高容量与高性能,带来颠覆性的存储使用方式。 技嘉将智能风扇技术进一步发扬光大,除了温度传感器、混合动力风扇插座等原有功能,还将智能风扇停转技术、水冷流速侦测等功能融入进去,为电脑打造更加智能更加强大的散热系统. 不同产品内建的风扇插座及温度传感器数量皆有所差异。 智能风扇技术功能会依据型号而有所差异。 可以自行定义在 …
B360M HD3|AORUS - 技嘉科技
' Intel B360 Ultra Durable motherboard with GIGABYTE 8118 Gaming LAN, PCIe Gen3 x4 M.2, Anti-Sulfur Resistor, Smart Fan 5, DualBIOS™, CEC 2019 readySupports 9th and 8th Gen Intel® Core™ ProcessorsDual Channel Non-ECC Unbuffered DDR4New Hybrid Digital PWM DesignHigh Quality Audio Capacitors and Audio Noise Guard with LED Trace Path LightingUltra-Fast M.2 with PCIe Gen3 X4 & SATA ...
* To configure 7.1-channel audio, you have to use an HD front panel audio module and enable the multi-channel audio feature through the audio driver. * The DVI-D port does not support D-Sub connection by adapter. * Support for HDMI 1.4 version and HDCP 2.2.
【技嘉B360M HD3参数】GIGABYTE B360M HD3主板参数_规格_ …
技嘉B360M HD3 参考报价: ¥899 233条口碑评分 评分: 9.7分 参数
B360M HD3 (rev. 1.0) Support | Motherboard - GIGABYTE Global
Lasting Quality from GIGABYTE.GIGABYTE Ultra Durable™ motherboards bring together a unique blend of features and technologies that offer users the absolute ultimate platform fo...
【技嘉B360M HD3】 (Gigabyte B360M HD3)报价_图片_参数_评测_论坛_技嘉B360M HD3 …
产品简介: 技嘉 B360M HD3,集成芯片声卡/网卡,主芯片组Intel B360,芯片组描述采用Intel B360芯片组,显示芯片CPU内置显示芯片 (需要CPU支持),音频芯片集成Realtek ALC887 8声道音效芯片,网卡芯片板载千兆网卡。
技嘉B360M HD3参数_技嘉B360M HD3参数配置|详细参数_太平 …
提供详尽的技嘉B360M HD3(GIGABYTE B360M HD3)参数 ,包括技嘉B360M HD3规格,性能,功能等信息。
Smart Fan 5 receives up-to-the-second information on flow-rate through the Hybrid Fan Pin Headers—giving you absolute mastery over your PC. All Hybrid Fan Headers can automatically detect the type of cooling device whether it be fan or pump with different PWM or Voltage mode.