Material Design 4 - Modifyable and advanced Menu
2015年1月8日 · With the ACToolBar (Light|Dark) object we can get access to the Menu object of the activity. This opens the possibility for modifyable menus and some other advanced menu features. With the ToolBar.Menu property we have access to the menu of the ToolBar.
[B4X] [XUI] AS Tab Menu (Bottom Menu/Navigation)
2020年2月24日 · The first one from me for this year is a better, simpler, faster and scalable Tab/Bottom-Menu. i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me, then you can do it here by Paypal or with a coffee.
[B4X] B4XPages - Main menu | B4X Programming Forum
2020年6月12日 · Using the main menu in a B4XPages app means that each page defaults to having the same main menu items and the menu events are raised in Main. I have been trying to customise this for each B4XPage. I have tried adding menu items within each page using this in B4XPage_Create. act.AddMenuItem("Fred", "Menu") ' or Dim act As Activity = Root1.
B4A tutorial: AH Navigation Drawer (menu) - YouTube
This is a wrapper library for the native NavigationDrawer introduced by Google at Google I/O Topic in b4x.com:https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/ahnav...
(原创)【B4A】一步一步入门02:可视化界面设计器、控件的使 …
2023年2月7日 · 在b4a中,可以创建多个不同分辨率的【变体】,以精准匹配指定的分辨率。 默认的变体是320*480。 因为安卓程序可以自适应屏幕,所以一般情况下,界面都是相对布局,所以也就不需要创建新的变体,直接使用默认的即可。
(原创)【B4A】一步一步入门01:简介、开发环境搭建 …
2023年1月31日 · B4A,是Basic4Android的缩写,可以使用Basic语言开发安卓APP。 因为B4A在编译时是将Basic语言翻译成Java语言然后再编译成安卓App,所以通过B4A开发的App,在体积与性能上和原生语言开发的相差不大。
Side Menu B4A including source code! - YouTube
A simple example of how to implement a Side Menu using B4A - the simplest RAD Tool for Android. Source Code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N05hRElMJsIH_z...
B4A类库中文文档 - GitHub Pages
加载中... ... b4a类库中文文档
Navigation Side Menu | B4X Programming Forum
2022年8月23日 · I was playing around with the ListView and found it a great use for a menu system. Following along as much as possible with the design concepts defined on a Material.io design web site. See the attached B4A project zip file to see how I approached it. The example displays the side navigation menu as a permanent/status menu list.
B4X编程语言:B4A控件事件汇总 - CSDN博客
2024年12月8日 · 在B4A中,可以使用容器类控件(Activity、Panel)的Touch事件来处理触摸操作。 当用户按下屏幕时,触发Down事件;当用户抬起手指时,触发Up事件;当用户按下并移动手指时,触发Move事件。