Bestune B50 - Wikipedia
The Bestune B50 (formerly Besturn B50) is a compact sedan produced by the Chinese car manufacturer Bestune from 2009 to 2019. [1][2] Bestune began to sell its vehicles in the Russian market in 2012 with the B50 as the first model to be sold there, [3][4] which debuted at the 2012 Moscow International Automobile Salon.
奔腾B50 - 百度百科
新奔腾B50共推出1.6L和1.8L两个排量6款车型,市场指导价为9.28万—12.28万元。 通过三次跨越式升级,新奔腾B50以全新外观、全新内饰、新增动力等40项全新变化亮相。
Besturn B50 - FAW Group
Besturn B50 is an A-class performance sedan born on FAW’s B-class platform. Prolonged wheelbase (2,725mm) gives the vehicle a spacious inner cabin.
汽车之家奔腾B50频道,提供奔腾B50报价,奔腾在售奔腾B50图片,奔腾全部奔腾B50参数配置,奔腾B50最新文章,保养周期及费用等最新信息,最精彩奔腾B50汽车 ...
Bestune - Wikipedia
The second model of the brand, Besturn B50 made its debut in 2009. [3][4] In 2012, Bestune began to sell its vehicles in the Russian market with the B50 as the first model sold, [5][6] which debuted at the 2012 Moscow International Automobile Salon. [7]
List of FAW vehicles - Wikipedia
This is a list of current and former automobiles produced by Chinese state-owned automaker China FAW Group (abbreviated as FAW), under its brands of Hongqi, and Bestune.
【奔腾B50 (Besturn B50)】奔腾奔腾B50报价及图片、怎么样_网易 …
奔腾B50 (Besturn B50)是奔腾的国产车厂一汽奔腾于2009年推出的一款紧凑型三厢轿车,最新年款为2019英文名:Besturn B50,曾用名称:A501,B131,别名:小B,官方指导价:6.98-15.28万元;市场价:市场价待查;排量:;变速箱:;图片 (2355张);车型报价 (24款)。
【奔腾B50 EV】_新款奔腾B50 EV_一汽奔腾奔腾B50 EV报价及图 …
新浪汽车提供 奔腾B50 EV 报价,以及奔腾B50 EV实拍图/配置/口碑/论坛等信息,关注奔腾B50 EV,就上奔腾B50 EV频道,新车上市,降价优惠一网打尽!
b50 Archives - CarNewsChina.com
2012年11月12日 · Spy Shots: facelifted FAW-Besturn B50 is Ready for the China car market