B61 nuclear bomb - Wikipedia
The B61 nuclear bomb is the primary thermonuclear gravity bomb in the United States Enduring Stockpile following the end of the Cold War. It is a low-to-intermediate yield strategic and tactical nuclear weapon featuring a two-stage radiation implosion design. [4]
B-61戰術核子彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2015年7月美國在內華達沙漠公布測試了b-61-12型延壽核彈 [2] ,更新了衛星定位的準度,可以加強其碉堡鑽地攻擊的精準度。 B-61-12型戰術核彈更新要點:
来瞧瞧美国空投核武库吧:B61型可调当量核弹已经在美军服役50 …
2024年10月8日 · B61-12型核弹主要由B-2和即将成军的B-21隐形轰炸机投放,隐形轰炸机很容易穿透到敌方陆地纵深临空发动核打击,因此B61-12很适合隐形轰炸机。 B-52由于没有隐形设计,很容易被远程防空系统击落,所以B-52只能以远程巡航导弹作为打击手段。 美国在欧洲的空军基地部署有F-15E、F-16C/D、F-35A三种战机,也都可以挂载B61-12,随着朝鲜核武库的快速膨胀,驻韩美军很可能会配备B61-12。 美国军方预计将在2024年完成500枚B61-12的生产计划, …
The B61 (Mk-61) Bomb - Nuclear Weapon Archive
2007年1月9日 · Light weight, intermediate yield bomb with variable yield options ("dial-a-yield" or DAY), and flexible fuzing and delivery options. Designed for high-speed external carriage and low altitude delivery. Modular weapon system design. Contains two neutron generators (supplied by General Electric).
B-2 Spirit Now Operational With New B61-12 Nuclear Bombs
2023年11月28日 · B-2 stealth bombers have become the first aircraft ready to employ the advanced B61-12 nuclear bomb in combat. The B61-12 nuclear bomb is now formally in the U.S. stockpile and cleared for operational use on the B-2A Spirit stealth bomber.
B-61系列核炸弹 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
61-12是b61系列空射核重力炸弹的最新变体,自1968年以来一直在美国军方使用。新变体旨在提高美国空军和盟国的核能力。该炸弹可以通过b-2a,f-15e,f-16c / d,f-16 mlu,pa-200,f-35和b-21等飞机平台空中发射。 弹头和制导
Pentagon's New Tactical Nuke Is Now on the B-2 Stealth Bomber
2023年12月1日 · Two years after the November 2021 delivery of the first B-61-12 tactical nuclear bomb, an annual report by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has revealed that the Air Force has...
B61 Family - Wikipedia
The B61 bomb was developed by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL; now Los Alamos National Laboratory) starting in 1960. The intent was to develop an aircraft bomb which was high yield (over 100 kilotons) and yet was small enough and had low enough drag to carry under the wing of a fighter or fighter-bomber type aircraft.
B61-12核弹 - 百度百科
B61-12 Nuclear Bomb - Air Force Technology
2020年11月6日 · The B61-12 air-launched tactical bomb will carry a low-yield nuclear warhead to destroy military targets with minimum collateral damage. Located in the bomb’s middle section, the warhead will have four yield options, including 0.3kt, 1.5kt, 10kt, and 50kt.
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