Airplane Information Management System (AIMS) | Honeywell
Honeywell’s airplane information management system (AIMS) is an integrated modular avionics system providing the Boeing 777 full cockpit integration – hosting technology including the primary flight-deck display system, the aircraft diagnostics and maintenance systems.
Airplane Information Management System - Wikipedia
The Airplane Information Management System (AIMS) is the "brains" [clarification needed] of Boeing 777 aircraft. It uses four ARINC 629 buses to transfer information. There are 2 cabinets on each plane (left and right).
飞机信息管理系统(AIMS) - Honeywell
AIMS是一个集成的模块化航空电子系统,提供波音777全座舱集成-托管技术,包括主飞行甲板显示系统、飞机诊断和维护系统。 作为波音777的“任务控制”系统,AIMS集成并提供下列功能: AIMS提供了非常高的可靠性以确保准时到达。 平均来说,这一综合驾驶舱在需要拆除进行维护之前,可在机翼上停留15年。 这确保了大约3500万海里飞行和超过180万名乘客的准时到达。 AIMS-1于1995年投入使用;AIMS-2于2003年第4季度投入使用。 我们使用 Cookie 来提升网站性 …
What is AIMS on Boeing 777? (Airplane Information Management …
2023年8月9日 · The Airplane Information Management System (AIMS) is a critical component of the Boeing 777 aircraft. It is an advanced avionics system designed to manage and distribute information within the aircraft. AIMS plays a crucial role in enhancing safety, improving operational efficiency, and providing pilots with real-time data to make informed ...
Boeing 777 airplane information management system …
2002年8月6日 · The Airplane Information Management System (AIMS) on the Boeing 777 airplane is one of the first applications of modular avionics to commercial aircraft. This paper will discuss AIMS system design goals and objectives; review the resulting system design and operation including capabilities and features; and compare the results of the first two ...
Which is the difference between IMA (B777) and Open IMA (A380)?
2016年10月4日 · The primary difference is that the B777 is the AIMS (airplane information management system). It is a Honeywell developed system where all the software on the systems is controlled by Honeywell (closed system). The biggest downside to the closed system is maintenance and support. The A380 system is a semi-open IMA system. It has a single ...
Honeywell Avionics Overview - B777 - 百度文库
B777 Flight Deck B777 AIMS The 777 Integrated Avionics Architecture plays a central role in the development and certification of a service ready airplane for extended twin engine operation (180 minute).
波音 777 电传飞控系统架构介绍 - 搜狐
2017年11月30日 · 波音 777 是目前全球最大的双引擎宽体客机,从 B777 开始,波音公司形成了具有自己特色的电传飞控系统设计体系。 波音777 飞机采用了传统外型布局,翼吊两台发动机。 两侧机翼上布置有一对外侧副翼、一对襟副翼、七对扰流板,以及前缘缝翼、后缘襟翼等增升装置。 尾翼布置有一块水平安定面、一对升降舵和一块方向舵。 具体的舵面布置如下图所示。 波音777飞控系统舵面布置. 其中,升降舵和水平安定面用于实现俯仰控制;襟副翼、副翼和扰流 …
B777 AIMS Display System - PPRuNe Forums
2001年1月16日 · AIMS acts as a data conversion gateway for a good deal of the data on the 777, and is the core of the 777 avionics. There are redundant 429 busses in some cases, but often only one per device (talker).
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29 - Helitavia
System (AIMS) The Boeing 777 Airplane Information Management System implements the IMA concept in an architec- ture which supports a high degree of functional integration and reduces duplicated resources to a
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