What is MAT on Boeing 777? (Maintenance Access Terminal)
2023年12月16日 · The MAT serves as a central hub that connects to different systems and components of the Boeing 777, providing essential information and diagnostic capabilities. In this article, we will explore the purpose and functionality of the Maintenance Access Terminal on the Boeing 777, highlighting its importance in maintenance operations and improving ...
B777 MAT (maintenance access terminal) - YouTube
2019年7月13日 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...
777 Maintenance Access Terminal and Side Displays
1994年10月30日 · Abstract: The Maintenance Access Terminal (MAT) and Side Display (SD) are powerful processing resources with high resolution liquid crystal displays, networked to other airplane systems with a fiber optic communication interface. They provide a common resource for night crew and maintenance personnel to access information from other airplane ...
We performed L AIMS System Test on B777 Maintenance Access Terminal (MAT)
ꞏ Complete transfer and verification control of the B777 MAT Mass Storage Device ꞏ Distributes Software Parts to the PMAT 2000 system through a network interface via LSE Characteristics:
B777-300ER飞机软件加载技术概要 - 道客巴巴
2017年9月18日 · mat 位于驾驶舱第二观察员座椅右侧 p18 板操纵台,外接设备软盘驱动、cd/dvd 驱动、鼠标、键盘都可以通过 usb 接口与 mat数据传输链接。
777 Maintenance Access Terminal - Airliners.net
2015年3月6日 · What are your thoughts on the Maintenance access terminal (MAT) on the 777? Do you prefer having the CMCF through the MFD's or to you like the dedicated terminal? It's nice, better than having to run tests the old fashioned way. On the 787 there's no longer a dedicated MAT. Instead you can use the flight bags, lower and two inbd DU 's.
[B777] Boeing777飞机系统培训资料 - 机务在线
2010年12月22日 · 机务在线维修资料机务社区Boeing777飞机系统培训资料Boeing777飞机系统培训资料(共十个系统)
快速参考文件-777(机载正常检查单和简令卡) - 道客巴巴
2024年7月5日 · 离场程序:使用跑道、正常离场或雷达引导离场、起始航向、起始高度、导航台设置 ? 预计的地面滑行路线 ? 起飞襟翼位置调定 ? 起飞功率设定(全推力或减推力) ? V1、VR、V2 以及所需空速游标的调定值 ? 开始进近和继续进近的气象条件评估 ? 使用跑道、进近类别、进近程序名称、航迹、高度、速度限制、... 国航股份飞行技术管理部编制 AIR CHINA B777 QRD 2016 年 3 月 15 日 AIRCHINA B777 简令 简 令 注:简令包括但不限于以下内容,机组成员认为需要说 …
Landing Data from B777 MAT - PPRuNe Forums
2012年4月22日 · Can anyone remind me how to retrieve the most recent landing data (rate of descent on touchdown / g loading) from the Boeing 777 Maintenance Access Terminal (MAT). I was shown by an engineer some time ago but cannot remember in which menu to look. I believe the MAT software is standard for all operators. Thanks in advance all. Fly safe,