BACC Travel Discount Airfare – Discount Tickets to Brazil for …
BACC Travel is proud to be the most time honored and sizable wholesale tour operators specializing in traveling to Brazil. Our full service travel agency has been fully staffed with experienced travel agents for over 40 years.
About BACC Travel
BACC Travel is very proud to be one of the oldest and biggest wholesale tour operators to Brazil. We use only the most reliable Airline Carriers, Hotels, and ground services in Rio and throughout Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro - BACC Travel
Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil, with 5.5 million inhabitants. Rio, as it is generally called, is the capital of the Rio de Janeiro State and is located in Brazil’s southeastern region. Being a coastal city, Rio has several beaches (many of them world-famous, such as Copacabana and Ipanema) and a dramatic landscape with mounts and cliffs rising from the ocean, luxuriant ...
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About Brazil - BACC Travel
Brazil is the largest country in South America. Comprising almost half the South American continent (47.3%), Brazil’s territory spans over 8,547,403 sq. km, or approx. 3,286,000 sq. mi. (source: IBGE). Therefore, it is the fifth largest country in the world,after the Russian Federation, Canada, China and the United States. Except for a small number of islands, Brazil’s territory is a ...
Visa to enter Brazil - BACC Travel
29 West 46th Street (between 5th & 6th Ave) 2nd Floor New York, NY 10036
Bahia / Salvador - BACC Travel
Salvador is the capital of the state of Bahia. It’s an important city of 2,211,539 people. Salvador was founded on March 29, 1549, on the shores of the bay of All Saints (“Baia de Todos os Santos”) and was Brazil’s first capital, a position it kept for 214 years (1549-1763). Bahia has influences from Portugal, Africa and Asia. A great part of its colonial architecture is still ...
São Paulo - BACC Travel
São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and in Latin America, and the world’s third largest after Tokyo and Mexico City. São Paulo is the economic, financial and industrial heart of Brazil. The municipality of São Paulo is located in a metropolitan area 3,108 sq. miles large (8,051 sq. km) comprising 39 autonomous cities and a total metropolitan population of approximately 20 …
Travel Checklist
Before Your Trip Plan your itinerary, and make reservations in advance. If you’re planning on attending an event in Brazil (Carnaval, New Year’s, etc.), it is important to make reservations ahead of time, for tickets and hotel reservations may be limited in high-season. Make sure your passport is valid, and get a VISA from the Brazilian consulate. (see Do I …
Pernambuco – Recife - BACC Travel
Pernambuco is one of the many Brazilian states located in the northeast region. It was one of the first areas occupied by the Portuguese conquerors. Those who visit the cities of Pernambuco, specially the capital, Recife, and Olinda, a national patrimony, perceive it as a historical landmark. There are monuments, parks, old houses, churches, forts, bridges and …