Hawker Siddeley HS 748 - Wikipedia
The Hawker Siddeley HS 748 (formerly Avro HS 748) is a medium-sized turboprop airliner originally designed and initially produced by the British aircraft manufacturer Avro. It was the last aircraft to be developed by Avro prior to its absorption into Hawker Siddeley.
BAe748 - 百度百科
Avro 748 & Avro 748MF - BAE Systems
The Avro Type 748 is a twin turboprop airliner, powered by two Rolls-Royce Dart engines, that was sold successfully world-wide for both airline and military transport service. The first prototype (G-APZV) first flew on 24th June 1960.
BAe748:簡介,結構特點,機翼,機身,尾翼,起落架,動力裝置,座艙,系統, …
BAe 748渦輪螺旋槳支線運輸機是HS748的最新改型。採用了先進技術駕駛艙、新式廚房、發動機消音裝置、油耗降低12%的新型“達特”RDa.7Mk552渦輪螺旋槳發動機、降低客艙震動水平和噪音水平的動平衡螺旋槳。
BAe 748 (BAE 748) - Avia.pro
Short-haul turboprop aircraft BAe.748, better known as the Hawker Siddeley HS.748 or as Avro 748, is a multi-purpose aircraft, developed by the British Aircraft Company «Avro Aircraft», to replace the American twin-engine piston aircraft Douglas DC-3.
HAWKER SIDDELEY HS-748 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Developed as the AVRO 748, transferred to HAWKER SIDDELEY as HS-748 in 1959. Built in several series: most advanced variant Super 748 (first flight July 1984) with advanced flightdeck and improved efficiency. Derivative version is BAe ATP. Military version is called Hawker Siddeley Andover (HS 780) but only a handful of these are still used.
BAe 748涡轮螺旋桨支线运输机_发动机_达特_副翼 - 搜狐
2022年6月18日 · bae 748涡轮螺旋桨支线运输机是hs748的最新改型。 采用了先进技术驾驶舱、新式厨房、发动机消音装置、油耗降低12%的新型“达特”RDa.7Mk552涡轮螺旋桨发动机、降低客舱震动水平和噪音水平的动平衡螺旋桨。
BAe748 - 搜狗百科
2024年11月29日 · HS748是英国霍克·西德利公司阿芙罗工厂生产的双发中短程涡轮螺旋桨客机。 原名阿芙罗748,属于DC-3等级的客机。 该机适于在地面起降,且操作简单、易于维护。 BAe748 BAe 748涡轮螺旋桨支线运输机是HS748的最新改型。 采用了先进技术驾驶舱、新式厨房、发动机消音装置、油耗降低12%的新型“达特”RDa.7Mk552涡轮螺旋桨发动机、降低客舱震动水平和噪音水平的动平衡螺旋桨。 驾驶舱中的按钮式选择器和指示器代替了原来的转换开关;行李舱容 …
G-BEJD Avro/BAe 748 - spekeaero.org
G-BEJD Avro/BAe 748 In 1951 Avro started design work on a DC-3 replacement in an attempt to re-enter the short to medium range civil aviation market. They had previously produced the Lancastrian which was a passenger variant of the Lancaster bomber, the York and the Tudor with varying degrees of success.
Hawker Siddeley HS-748 - Airliners.net
The most advanced 748 variant, the Super 748, was an improved version of the 2B and made its first flight in July 1984. Incorporating the improvements of the 2B, it also featured a modernised flightdeck, improved efficiency and hushkitted Dart engines, and new galley and internal fittings.