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Efka PX 4310 - BASF
Efka® PX 4310 is made by the Controlled Free Radical Polymerization (CFRP) technology, which allows producing polymeric dispersants with defined polymer architecture and a low poly-dispersity index. Efka® PX 4310 is suitable for industrial and automotive coatings. Efka® PX 4310 should be stored in a dry and cool place.
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巴斯夫功能性助剂和配方助剂 - BASF
www.basf.com/additives 性能特点 • 长期稳定性 • 降低涂覆重量而不影响其稳定性 • 卓越的持久保色性 • 长使用寿命/翻新间隔时间长, 例如使用在外墙涂料应用中 • 专用创新实验室 • 致力于产品开发的创新, 及不断提高的环境、健康和安全标准 • 搅拌混合 ...
EFKA® PX 4310 - BASF
EFKA PX 4310 is made by the controlled free radical polymerization (CFRP) technology, which allows producing polymeric dispersants with defined polymer architecture and a low poly-dispersity index. This product is suitable for industrial and automotive coatings.
BASF CORPORATION 100 Park Avenue Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA Telephone: +1 973 245-6000 Emergency telephone number CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 BASF HOTLINE: 1-800-832-HELP (4357) Other means of identification Molecular formula: C7H1202 Chemical family: organic acids, esters Synonyms: Isobutyl ester of acrylic acid 2. Hazards Identification
巴斯夫分散剂4310德国进口BASF EFKA PX4310分散剂_精颜化工
2025年3月12日 · 德国巴斯夫埃夫卡EFKA PX4310分散剂是利用可控自由基聚合反应 (CFRP)技术制备的丙烯酸嵌段共聚物分散剂,相比基于随机自由基聚合的分散剂,基于CFRP技术的产品具有更规整的分子结构,更窄的分子量分布,狭窄的分子量分布改善了EFKA 4310与树脂的相容性, 梳状的锚定基团排列加强了分散剂对颜料的吸附,从而改善了稳定性。
As the global leader in chemical catalysts, BASF develops cutting-edge catalyst chemistry with our customers’ needs in mind. Our FCC catalyst and additive offerings together with our expert technical services build the right solution to create value within any unit’s constraints.
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Efka® PX 4310 - BASF- Technical Datasheet - SpecialChem
2024年10月8日 · Efka® PX 4310 by BASF is a high molecular weight acrylic block copolymer. It acts as a dispersing agent. It possesses low poly-dispersity index. It improves color development with organic pigments and reduces viscosity. It offers high gloss, efficiency in stabilizing pigments and compatibility with many solvent-based resins.
BASF und Evonik vereinbaren erste Lieferungen von biomassenbilanziertem Ammoniak mit reduziertem CO2-Fußabdruck BASF und ihr Kunde Evonik haben sich auf die erste Lieferung BASF’s von Ammoniak BMBcert TM geeinigt. Damit unterstreichen beide Chemieunternehmen ihr Bekenntnis, Produkte mit einem reduzierten . Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
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