在钢琴、吉他和尤克里里上的Bb7(b9)和弦 | Musicca
降B属小九和弦 (英文简写为Bb7 (b9)和弦)为五音和弦,由B ♭ 、D、F、A ♭ 和C ♭ 五个音组成。 在此和弦的组成中,是将降B属七和弦增添一个小九度音。
Bb7 (b9) Guitar Chord | How to Play The Bb Dominant Seventh …
Master the Bb 7 (b9) chord with our expert guide. Learn how to play this dominant chord, composed of Bb, D, F, Ab, and Cb notes. Understand the intervals that build this unique chord. …
Bb7b9 Chord On The Guitar (B Flat 7 Flat 9) – Diagrams, Finger ...
The Bb7b9 chord (B flat dominant 7 flat 9) contains the notes Bb, D, F, Ab and Cb. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5, b7 and b9 of the Bb Major scale. The Bb7b9 chord is often used …
Bb7 (b9) Guitar Chord Chart | Standard Tuning - jamplay.com
Chord chart diagrams for the Bb7 (b9) chord in Standard tuning. Known as the B Flat Dominant Seventh (flat Nine) or Bb7alt. chord. Learn 20 different voicings of the Bb7 (b9) chord on guitar …
Bb7 B9 Chord - JGuitar
Show me scales that sound good with a Bb7 B9 chord. Showing results 1 to 6 of 12 chord shapes. Bb7 b9 chord diagram. For alternate fingerings, click on the chord diagram.
Bb7(b9) chord on Piano, Guitar, and Ukulele | Musicca
Learn how to play the Bb7 (b9) chord on piano, guitar, and ukulele. See fingerings for the Bb7 (b9) chord and find out which notes are in the B-flat dominant minor ninth chord.
Bb7b9 Piano Chord | Bb dominant flat ninth | Scales-Chords
The Bb dominant flat ninth Chord for Piano has the notes Bb D F Ab Cb and interval structure 1 3 5 b7 b9.
Bb7b9 Dominant Seventh Flat Ninth Chord (1, 3, 5, b7, b9) from …
The Bb7b9 chord is formed by the intervals root (1), major third (3), perfect fifth (5), minor seventh (b7) and minor ninth (b9). In this chord thus sound the notes B ♭, D, F and A ♭. To hear the …
Bb7 b9 piano chord
We will explain all the basic theory for the Bb7 b9 chord, including how to construct & play this chord as well as how you can start using this in your music.
Bb7(b9) コード ピアノ、ギター、ウクレレ | Musicca
Bフラット ドミナントマイナーナインスコード (略記法 Bb7 (b9) コード)は、B ♭ 、D、F、A ♭ 、C ♭ の音からなる五和音。 Bフラット ドミナントセブンスコードに短9度を加えた形です。