Bundle Branch Block EKG Interpretation | EKG.Academy
2021年11月8日 · Evidence of Bundle branch block (BBB) may be seen in any lead, but the best view for determining the difference between left and right BBB is lead V1. Interruption, delay of conduction or a change in the electrical conduction pathway will cause morphologic changes in the QRS complex.
Bundle Branch Block EKG Interpretation with Rhythm Strip
2022年11月10日 · This article is a guide for interpreting abnormal Bundle Branch Block EKGs, including qualifying criteria and a sample EKG rhythnm strip. A bundle branch block is a partial or total interruption of the heart’s electrical impulse in either the right or left branch of the electrical pathway. This interruption, or block, causes the electrical signals for one of the ventricles to detour, so that ...
EKG Interpretation Guide:
2022年11月7日 · A cheat sheet for EKGs by category. For each category, a sample EKG tracing and key features of the tracing are provided.
Heart Block Rhythms - ekg.academy
2021年11月8日 · Heart Block ECG dysrhythmias occur for a variety reasons. It may be congenital as is often the case in First Degree Heart Block. They may occur secondary to medications or the result of transient illness or disease which results in tissue death affecting a portion of the conduction system.
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy EKG Interpretation | EKG.Academy
2021年11月8日 · Tech Series ECG Interpretation ... Remember: Hypertrophy increases voltage – BBB increases duration. ...
EKG 12 Lead Analysis and Interpretation Practice Quiz
Use our EKG 12 Lead Analysis and Interpretation Practice Quiz and other EKG training web apps at EKG.Academy
Ventricular Rhythms - ekg.academy
2021年11月8日 · Description of Asystole ECG. Asystole dysrhythmia occurs when there is a total absence of electrical activity in the heart. The patient is clinically dead. Sometimes this tracing is referred to as straight line or flat line. There will be an absence of P waves and QRS complexes. True Asystole is an absolute medical emergency.
Pacemaker Rhythms
2021年11月8日 · Step 2 Heart Rate Regular (Constant) Rhythms. The heart rate determination technique used will be the 1500 technique.
Introduction Part 1 - EKG Lesson #314
2021年11月8日 · Introduction Part 1 - EKG Lesson #314 Introduction Part 1 | Junctional Rhythms | EKG.Academy | Lessons, drills, coaching, quizzes.
Wandering Atrial Pacemaker - EKG Lesson #312
2021年11月8日 · In Wandering Atrial Pacemaker ECG, you must observe at least three different shaped P waves. No other changes in the tracing may be observed. The rhythm may or may not be regular. The PR interval is often affected, but does not have to be. The bottom line, is you must observe at least three different shaped P waves.