Towards an Ecologically Valid Symbiosis of BCI and Head …
We present and discuss a user-friendly wearable brain-computer interface (BCI) system with a head-mounted virtual reality display (HMD) for motor rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. The described design represents the first building block toward developing a low-power wearable and ecologically valid BCI-HMD system for collaborative ...
Introducing: Galea - OpenBCI Community
2020年11月19日 · By combining this multi-modal sensor system with the immersion of augmented and virtual reality, Galea gives researchers, developers, and creators a powerful new tool for understanding and augmenting the human mind and body. Galea is the result of OpenBCI’s six years of experience at the center of consumer neurotech.
Highly wearable SSVEP-based BCI: Performance comparison of augmented ...
2021年12月1日 · This work proposes a highly wearable SSVEP-based single channel BCI, where three different AR HMDs, namely Epson Moverio BT-350, Oculus Rift S (integrated with Zed Mini), and Microsoft HoloLens, were chosen to generate four concurrent flickering stimuli.
P300 Brain–Computer Interface-Based Drone Control in Virtual …
We extended the conventional 2D-based BCI experiment to a 3D-based BCI experiment in both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) using a HMD. A wearable HMD-based BCI is promising as it provides a more user-friendly BCI system for hands-free interaction with real and virtual objects in AR and VR environments [ 50 ].
Towards BCI-Based Interfaces for Augmented Reality ... - IEEE Xplore
2018年10月4日 · In this paper we study the combination of BCI and Augmented Reality (AR). We first tested the feasibility of using BCI in AR settings based on Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays (OST-HMDs). Experimental results showed that a BCI and an OST-HMD equipment (EEG headset and Hololens in our case) are …
Phase-Approaching Stimulation Sequence for SSVEP-Based BCI: A …
2021年11月30日 · Abstract: Steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) has been used to implement brain-computer interface (BCI) due to its advantages of high information transfer rate (ITR) and high accuracy. In recent years, owing to the developments of head-mounted device (HMD), the HMD has become a popular device to implement SSVEP–based BCI.
Engineering study on the use of Head-Mounted display for Brain ...
2019年6月28日 · In this article, we explore the availability of head-mounted display (HMD) devices which can be coupled in a seamless way with P300-based brain-computer interfaces (BCI) using electroencephalography (EEG). The P300 is an event-related potential appearing about 300ms after the onset of a stimulation.
Towards BCI-based Interfaces for Augmented Reality ... - CSDN博客
2018年12月8日 · 我们首先测试了基于光学透视头戴式显示器(OST-HMD)在AR设置中使用BCI的可行性。 实验结果表明,BCI和OST-HMD设备(在我们的情况下是头戴EEG和Hololens)兼容良好,并且在使用BCI时可以接受头部的轻微晃动。 其次,我们在开发一种名为稳态视觉诱发电位(SSVEP)的经典大脑模式时,引入了基于AR中BCI的命令显示策略的设计空间。 我们的设计方式依赖于有关BCI菜单视觉布局的五个维度; 即:方向,参考框架,锚地,大小和明确性。 …
Development and Assessment of a Self-paced BCI-VR Paradigm …
Motor-Imagery based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) can provide alternative communication pathways to neurologically impaired patients. The combination of BCIs and Virtual Reality (VR) can provide induced illusions of movement to patients with low-level of motor control during motor rehabilitation tasks.
In recent years, owing to the developments of head-mounted device (HMD), the HMD has become a popular device to imple-ment SSVEP–based BCI. However, an HMD with fixed frame rate only can...