Eight Cylinders of the BDC: Culture by Corbyn Denson | DrivingSales
The BDC helps other departments produce revenue. Another key driver of BDC culture is to include the BDC team in your sales meetings. Encourage a working relationship between the sales team and the BDC. Have your salespeople (especially new salespeople) spend time in the BDC working alongside agents to set appointments.
DealerKnows Ratings & Reviews | DrivingSales Vendor Ratings
DealerKnows, founded by Joe Webb, offers dealerships hands-on digital marketing consulting and BDC/Internet sales training to help them improve online HCM University Community Events Vendor Ratings About Us
How to Create a BDC Manager Scorecard - drivingsales.com
Introduction to BDC Manager Scorecards: Bart, J.D., and Craig begin by emphasizing the importance of the BDC manager role, highlighting its dual focus on sales and service teams. The conversation sets the stage for understanding how scorecards can …
About Roberto Prohias | DrivingSales
Log in to view Roberto Prohias’s job experience, education, and blogs. You will also be able to connect and get in touch with them.
Evan Elliott Blog | DrivingSales
BDC. With AutoLoop Essentials and Book, your BDC will have a powerful new tool, creating accountability and maximizing performance. Easy-to-use dashboards and filters enhance management tracking. Key Product Features: Online Scheduling; Service Ledger; Express Lane Management; Friendly First Appointment; Next Appointment Scheduling ...
TK Carsites Ratings & Reviews | DrivingSales Vendor Ratings
TK Carsites is known as a “best-in-class” service provider with multiple industry awards for its high-performance websites, search engine optimiza
DrivingSales | Forums | Internet-bdc | Tradein-email-templates
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Internet-bdc | Dealer-inspire-vs-dealer-eprocess - DrivingSales
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J&L Marketing Ratings & Reviews | DrivingSales Vendor Ratings
J&L Marketing’s automotive equity data mining and lead generation, sales events, customer pay service clinics, data management and data analytics, email, direct mail, microsites and virtual BDC provide a complete range of automotive multi-channel direct marketing solutions throughout the lifetime buying cycle for both sales and fixed operations.
Dealer LOGIX Ratings & Reviews | DrivingSales Vendor Ratings
Vehicle service customers across the country are experiencing the ease and comfort of the Dealer LOGIX® sales process. Developed in 2005 by Denver’s Mark Brandon, Dealer LOGIX® transforms the traditional and commonly frustrating service experience into one which informs and empowers customers in making comfortable service choices while ...