Digital boundaries - Office for National Statistics
2023年10月4日 · We maintain digital boundaries for a range of geographies to support the production of statistics. You can find more information on the geographies in the metadata that accompanies the download...
What are BFE, BFC & BGC when it comes to UK's Census …
2024年10月19日 · Full Extent (BFE) – Full resolution boundaries go to the Extent of the Realm (Low Water Mark) and are the most detailed of the boundaries. Full Clipped (BFC) – Full resolution boundaries that are clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark).
Open Geography Portal
Full Extent (BFE) – Full resolution boundaries go to the Extent of the Realm (Low Water Mark) and are the most detailed of the boundaries. Full Clipped (BFC) – Full resolution boundaries that are clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark).
Which spatial dataset format should I use? - data.gov.uk
A .docx and .odt showing what the different acronyms mean for BFE, BFC, BGC, BSC, BUC, GRE, BGG.
2011 Census Geography Boundary Files – London Datastore
2011年1月1日 · Each geography is provided at Extent of the Realm (BFE), Coastline (BFC) and Generalised Coastline (BGC). More details about 2011 Census geography can be found on the ONS website:...
Lower layer Super Output Areas (December 2021) Boundaries EW BGC …
2024年7月9日 · This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Lower layer Super Output Areas in England and Wales, as at 21 March 2021. The boundaries available are: (BGC) Generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark). Contains both Ordnance Survey and ONS Intellectual Property Rights. File size: 79 MB.
How to use the ONS Open Geography Portal - OCSI
2022年8月1日 · What is the ONS Open Geography Portal? The ONS Open Geography Portal provides free and open access to ‘geographic products’. It holds a range of products that support the use of geography in statistical processes including: Name and code files. There is a comprehensive FAQ document available online.
Which spatial dataset format should I use?
2024年1月19日 · Which boundary format should I use? (User Guide)
Which spatial dataset format should I use? - Open Net Zero
Which spatial dataset format should I use? A .docx and .odt showing what the different acronyms mean for BFE, BFC, BGC, BSC, BUC, GRE, BGG.
GitHub - the-scouts/incognita: Mapping the annual UK Scout …
Incognita is a tool to map UK Scout data and enable geospatial analysis. We use ONS open data to link scout areas (Groups, Districts, etc.) to UK administrative geographies. Incognita comes from Terra Incognita, or Parts Unknown - solving the known unknowns! The source code for the project is hosted on GitHub at the-scouts/incognita.