BGC-IGC Consortium - Blue World City
BGC-IGC Consortium is one of the fastest growing and most diversified business conglomerates in Pakistan, which is local in origin but global in outlook with a strong international presence in the Gulf region and North America.
Blue World City
Blue World City is all set to introduce an all-embracing “Sports Valley” in the World’s first purpose-built tourist city. Alhamdulilah – Final NOC and Lay Out approval for Blue Town Lahore Granted by Lahore Development Authority ! The Flagship Project of BGC-IGC Consortium.
Blue World City – Blue Group of Companies
Blue World City, the flagship project of BGC-IGC Consortium, is a Pak China Friendly City. Adjacent to the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M2), on the CPEC route, at 20-minute drive from New Islamabad International Airport, Blue World City is Pakistan’s first-ever Purpose-built Tourist City within on international standard master-planned lifestyle ...
Blue Group of Companies – Pakistan Top Property Builder
Blue World City, Islamabad is the flagship project of BGC-IGC Consortium. The community lifestyle project has been started with a view to provide a world-class lifestyle at affordable rates to the people of Pakistan including expat Pakistanis, living overseas.
BGC/PGC/UGC是什么?一分钟搞懂内容营销 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
bgc/pgc/ugc分别是指什么? ①BGC(Brand Generated Content,品牌生产内容) 包括官网、官方社交媒体,销售渠道、员工、产品包装等, 一切以品牌方自身名义,作为核心产出者输出的内容。
About Us - Blue World City
Blue World City, the flagship project of BGC-IGC Consortium, is a Pak China Friendly City. Adjacent to the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M2), on the CPEC route, at a 20-minute drive from New Islamabad International Airport, Blue World City is Pakistan’s first-ever world-class tourist destination within an international standard master-planned ...
Blue World City - About Us | blueworldcity.city
Blue World City is a flagship project jointly undertaken by the Blue Group of companies and Imperium Group of companies (BGC-IGC). It is strategically located on the CPEC route, adjacent to the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M2), and is conveniently a 20-minute drive away from the New Islamabad International Airport.
About Us – Blue Group of Companies
Blue World City, Islamabad is the flagship project of BGC-IGC Consortium. The community lifestyle project has been started with a view to provide a world-class lifestyle at affordable rates to the people of Pakistan including expat Pakistanis, living overseas.
Blue World Trade Center
BGC-IGC Consortium takes business, trade, shopping and leisure to the next level with Blue World Trade Center – The Tallest Business Address of Twin Cities. Spanning over 29 storeys, this 500 ft. tall masterpiece offers “Commercial Outlets, Corporate Offices, Serviced Apartments, Luxury Apartments & Penthouses” with countless striking ...
深入剖析“直播营销”的内容三大要素:PGC、UGC、BGC - 数英
2016年6月21日 · 接下来,我们分别来剖析直播营销中,内容的三大要素:PGC、UGC、BGC。 1. PGC(Professionally Generated Content,专业生产内容) ——如今,大多数企业的直播营销,其销售转化都倚赖于PGC. 在直播营销领域,PGC的“P”更聚焦于 话题性人物,主要指三类: 明星 、 网红 、 名人(非娱乐圈的)。 明星: 最近的一个典型案例就是“ 巴黎欧莱雅的5月戛纳电影节明星直播 ”。 这真是一场华丽丽的土豪型直播。 巴黎欧莱雅是这次戛纳电影节的主赞助商。 …