Goex FFFg Black Powder 1 lb – allpowdershop.com
Goex FFFg (or 3Fg) is suited for Ryfles (50-caliber and smaller), P’istoles and Revolvers. While Goex has improved manufacturing processes and material quality, they have manufactured black powder using traditional materials to provide the same great ignition characteristics and uniform speed that master shooters and hunters have relied on ...
When to Use FFg vs. FFFg - The Muzzleloading Forum
2008年5月23日 · FFFG (Commonly called Triple "F") Due to its wide range of uses, Triple “F” is the black powder that is most commonly found on a dealer’s shelf. It is used in all percussion revolvers, most single shot pistols, and most of the smaller (under .45 caliber) rifles. In a pinch, it can also be used to prime a flint lock.
FFG versus FFFG - Modern Muzzleloader Muzzleloading Forum
2024年5月29日 · In my Accura V2 50 cal I use both BH209 and T7 fffg at the same charge rate of 77 weighed grains with a 250 grain Barnes XPB bullet and black sabot. The 77 grains roughly equates to 110 grains by volume with either powder.
Ffg , fffg , ffffg vs ffa , fffa ffffa - Cast Boolits
2013年7月30日 · The graphite changes the burn rate of the powder and the grain sizes between blasting powders (a) and sporting powders (g) are not directly equivalent. 3Fa does not equal FFFg. Sporting Grade Black Powder -- "g" type powders
Blackhorn 209 vs Triple Seven?? - Modern Muzzleloader …
2022年1月5日 · BH209... for most hunters, they don't need to swab between rounds. I clearly remember shooting 50 rounds and never swabbing between rounds utilizing sabots. I also remember having to use a drill bit by hand to clean out the flash channel quite often, or …
Does anyone use 120-150 grains of triple 7 FFFG - Hunting Washington
2012年6月24日 · Triple Seven is a high energy product designed to provide the muzzleloading hunter with higher velocities when used in the same VOLUME as blackpowder. To duplicate a blackpowder load velocity using Triple Seven, you must decrease the powder charge by 15%. *See WARNING below.
FFG/FFFG - Cast Bullet Forum
2013年3月28日 · In one of my books on what type of black powder Winchester used in loading the 50/95 WCF. At times they used 95 grs of fffg and other times they used 90 grs of ffg. The difference when using fffg was 57 fps more. The question is, is it practical to use fffg in this cartridge? The gun it will be used fired in is a new made 1876.
2Fg vs 3Fg in black powder SAAs | Colt Forum
2019年10月26日 · Over the years I've fired black powder loads in .45 Colt SAA, Ruger BH and .38 spl and .357 mag S&W revolvers. Black powder loads will indeed got anyone's attention and are loads of fun. Recoil is substantial and accuracy is excellent. 3F Goex was always used.
Buy Triple Se7en FFFG® Loose Powder - Hodgdon Powder
2022年3月20日 · Same great powder as FFG, FFFG is designed for use in pistols and rifles of 50 caliber and smaller. Easy clean-up with this one - just like standard Triple Seven. Made in the USA by Hodgdon Powder Company. Available in a 1-LB container.
Welcome to American Pioneer Powder
FFg and FFFg granulated powder. American Pioneer™ Powder is a loose, granular powder designed and created to be a sulfurless black powder replacement. American Pioneer™ Powder comes in 2 traditional granulations for all manner of cartridge and muzzleloading needs.