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BLF574 - Ampleon
Power gain as function of load power; typical values. VDS = 50 V; IDq = 1000 mA; f = 225 MHz.
BLF574 - Ampleon
A 500 W to 600 W LDMOS power transistor for broadcast applications and industrial applications in the HF to 500 MHz band.
A 600 W extremely rugged LDMOS power transistor for broadcast and industrial applications in the HF to 500 MHz band. This product is an enhanced version of the BLF574 using Ampleon's …
BLF574 Datasheet (PDF) - NXP Semiconductors
A 500 W to 600 W LDMOS power transistor for broadcast applications and industrial applications in the HF to 500 MHz band. Ampleon Netherlands B.V...
A 600 W extremely rugged LDMOS power transistor for broadcast and industrial applications in the HF to 500 MHz band. This product is an enhanced version of the BLF574 using NXP's XR …
Ampleon HF/VHF功率LDMOS晶体管BLF574系列 - ldteq.com
一款 600 W 极其坚固的 LDMOS 功率晶体管,适用于 HF 至 500 MHz 频段的广播和工业应用。该产品是 BLF574 的增强版本,采用 Ampleon 的 XR 工艺,可在最恶劣的应用中提供最大的耐 …
BLF574 Datasheet(PDF) - Ampleon Netherlands B.V.
Part #: BLF574. Download. File Size: 1MbKbytes. Page: 19 Pages. Description: HF / VHF power LDMOS transistor. Manufacturer: Ampleon Netherlands B.V..
BLF574,112 Ampleon USA Inc. | 分立半导体产品 | DigiKey
来自 Ampleon USA Inc. 的 BLF574,112 – RF Mosfet 50 V 1 A 225MHz 26.5dB 400W SOT539A。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
Ampleon BLF574是一款经验丰富的晶体管 - 电子发烧友网
BLF574是Ampleon(安谱隆)推出的一款功率 LDMOS 晶体管 ,这款晶体管输出功率高达 500 W 至 600 W,就像一颗强劲的引擎,为各种设备提供澎湃的动力。它的效率高达 70%,就像一位节 …
BLF574,112 (9340 619 65112) Pinning info. Pin Symbol Description Simplified outline Graphic symbol; 1 D1 drain1 2 D2 drain2 3 G1 gate1 4 G2 gate2 5 S source Ordering & availability. …