BMW M1 - Wikipedia
The BMW M1 (model code E26) is a mid-engined sports car produced by German automotive manufacturer BMW from 1978 until 1981.
宝马M1 - 百度百科
宝马M1(1978年至1981年)是一款在 BMW 历史上有着重要地位的车型,甚至说是BMW历史上一款超跑车型,BMW在2008年推出的M1 Homage Concept概念车是否会最终量产也十分难说。 …
BMW M1 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
寶馬M1(代號E26) 是 德國 汽車生產商 寶馬 所生產的 超級跑車。 1978年-1981年期間生產。 由 義大利 知名汽車設計師喬蓋托·喬治亞羅以及吉安·保羅·達拉拉設計,搭載代號S32B35(M1 …
BMW M1: from Procar to icon
As well as being one of the most famous sports cars of the 1970s, the M1 is a fascinating vehicle that shaped BMW M like no other. Boasting a powerful 6-cylinder in-line engine and a striking …
From the Archive: The History of the BMW M1 - Car and Driver
BMW meant the M1 to be the foremost expression of its automotive art. The M1 was also intended to win races. The car’s name personifies its stature: “M” designates all BMW …
History of the BMW M1 | U.S. News - U.S. News & World Report
2022年7月20日 · The BMW M1 was BMW’s first-ever mid-engined supercar, featuring Italian styling and a potent powerplant. But the M1 stands out because it was such a long shot, and …
MTA Bus Time: Route M1
TIP: Enter an intersection, bus route or bus stop code. For service, consider the stops on 5th Ave at E 106th St or E 102nd St instead. What's happening? Here is a map of the detoured route. …
All BMW M1 Models by Year (1978-1981) - autoevolution
2020年4月22日 · Complete timeline of BMW M1 models and generations, with photos, specs reference and production years
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