Boatswain's mate (United States Navy) - Wikipedia
The United States Navy occupational rating of boatswain's mate (abbreviated as BM) is a designation given by the Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) to enlisted members who were rated or "striking" for the rating as a deck seaman. The colloquial form of address for a boatswain's mate is "Boats".
The Transmembrane Conformation of the Influenza B Virus M2 …
2019年3月6日 · BM2 is a functional analog of AM2 but shares only 24% sequence identity for the transmembrane (TM) domain. The structure and function of AM2, which is targeted by two antiviral drugs, have been...
Atomic Structures of Closed and Open Influenza B M2 Proton …
The influenza B M2 (BM2) proton channel is activated by acidic pH to mediate virus uncoating. Unlike influenza A M2 (AM2), which conducts protons with strong inward rectification, BM2 conducts protons both inward and outward. Here we report 1.4- and ...
BMP-2步兵战车 - 百度百科
BMP-2步兵战车(英文:BMP-2 Infantry fighting vehicle [1]),是20世纪70年代苏联研制列装的第二代履带式步兵战车。 BMP-2步兵战车是在 BMP-1步兵战车 的基础上研制,战斗全重14.6吨,乘员3人,载员7人,最大公路时速70千米,水上时速7千米。 该车主要武器为1门30毫米高平两用机关炮,弹药基数500发,射速200~300发/分。 辅助武器为1挺7.62毫米并列机枪和1具导弹发射架 [7]。 BMP-2步兵战车于1976~1977年批量生产,1978年装备部队,1982年首次出现于红场阅 …
Influenza A and B viruses cause seasonal flu epidemics. The M2 protein of influenza B (BM2) is a membrane-embedded tetrameric proton channel that is essential for the viral lifecycle. BM2 is a...
全新世代BMW 1系列(F70):一覽全貌
全新BMW 1系列充滿活力、個性化以及智慧創新,配備BMW懸浮式曲面螢幕和車況抬頭顯示器等最新科技,供您盡情體驗與享受!而搭載最新BMW Operating System 9,可以幫助您更方便地管理音樂和導航等行車資訊。
本文将从排量、结构设计、输出特性、速度范围以及应用场景五个方面详细解析BM1和BM2液压马达的差异。 BM1液压马达通常为小排量设计,适用于转速要求较高、扭矩要求较低的轻型作业场合,如小型清扫器和割草机。 相比之下,BM2液压马达具有较大的排量,能够在低转速下提供更高的扭矩,非常适合负载较大的重型机械。 根据不同的排量需求选择BM1或BM2,能更好地满足设备的工作性能,避免浪费能源。 BM2液压马达通常在设计上配备了增强型的轴承,以应对高负载 …
bm3b2 bm10 bm3a bm3d bm3 bm3b1 bm-3f bm13 bm11 bm1-9 bm3e bm4 bm1-7 bm1-8 bm12 bm5-3 bm1-5@ bm6 bm6-1 bm-2 bm5-2 bm5-1 bm2-2 bm2-1 bm2 bm1-6 bm4-1 bm1-4 bm1-12 bm1-3 bm1-2 bm1-11 bm1-10 bm1-1 bm1 bm-1 bm2-3 bm2-14 bm2-13 bm2-11 bm1-14 bm1-13 bm2-4 bm14 bm1-17 (asp1) bm1-16 (asp1) bm1-15 (asp1) ...
bm层是第几层 - 百度知道
2024年1月15日 · BM层是第一层,即Basement Level 1的缩写,通常指建筑物的地下一层。 在建筑和房地产领域,BM层常用于标识建筑物的地下楼层。 在多层的地下空间中,可以存在BM1、BM2等多层,其中BM1代表地下一层,BM2代表地下二层,以此类推。
Influenza M2 proton channels - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
BM2 of influenza B is a functional homolog of AM2. It is 109-residue long and, similar to AM2, forms a homotetramer in a membrane . After being synthesized in infected host cells, BM2 is incorporated into the TGN membrane and transported to the cell surface for virus budding .