Boatswain's mate (United States Navy) - Wikipedia
The United States Navy occupational rating of boatswain's mate (abbreviated as BM) is a designation given by the Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) to enlisted members who …
Naval Duties of a BM3 - Work
In the U.S. Navy, the abbreviation "BM3" indicates a petty officer third class, with the job of boatswain's mate. The job of boatswain's mate, called a rating in the Navy, dates to the time...
U.S. Navy Boatswain's Mate Careers | Navy.com - United States Navy …
Boatswain’s Mates are the heart of every ship. As one of them, you’ll perform a wide range of duties, making you the jack-of-all-trades on ships and on shore. Whether you’re standing …
Navy Boatswain’s Mate (BM): Career Details - Operation Military …
2024年6月17日 · Navy Boatswain's Mates, or BM, are a crucial role in the US Navy. Find out more about what they do, the requirements to become one, and more.
BM is the oldest rating in the Navy and has a rich history of honored traditions. BMs are the leaders and backbone of every ship’s crew.
Boatswain’s Mate (BM). BM is the oldest rating in the Navy and has a rich history of honored traditions. BMs are the leaders and backbone of every ship’s crew. BMs maintain the exterior …
Naval Duties of a BM3 - Career Trend
2017年7月5日 · The boatswain's mate petty officer third class, or BM3, supervises and ensures the seamen are performing their given tasks and reports to the chain of command. BM3s also …
Continuum from Seaman Recruit through Master Chief. The principal focus is to standardize a program Navy wide by featuring the existing skills necessary to be successful in the Navy. The …
Boatswain’s Mate (BM) is the oldest rating in the Navy and has a rich history of honored traditions. BMs are the leaders and backbone of every ship’s crew. BMs maintain the exterior surfaces of...
• When assigned to a Navy Reserve Activity, completion of the Navy Reserve Activity Staff Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) - NAVEDTRA 43075-A series should be completed …