BM50 系列 - 广濑电机集团 [连接器] - HIROSE
这是电路板到FPC/窄间距连接器的汇总页。 在此页面中,您可以根据应用程序,尺寸和额定电流选择最佳连接器。 如果应用需要高度可靠性,例如汽车,请联系公司代表以获取更多信息。 Supports up to 15A, Fully ArmoredPower and Signal HybridFPC-to-Board Connector. Minimized contact resistance contributes to power savings. Small size and high extraction force. Multi-point dimpled contact design for high contact reliability.
RF Adapter Straight SMA Female to BNC Male DC - 2GHz 50Ω
SF-BM50+ RF Adapter Straight SMA Female to BNC Male DC - 2GHz 50Ω Connector Type: SMA/BNC Generic photo used for illustration purposes only. Connector types may vary. Please refer to datasheet for details. Data, Drawings & Downloads
BM50 Series/0.35mm Pitch, 0.6mm Stacking Height, 15A Rated Current, Power/Signal Hybrid FPC-to-Board Connector Features 1. Space-saving Design with 15A Rated Current The power contact supports 15A per position and the signal contact supports 0.3A per position for high power supply capability. Additionally, the BM50U has a space-saving
BM50 Series High-Power Connectors - Hirose | DigiKey
2023年2月23日 · The BM50 series is designed for mobile devices with built-in battery or USB connections, contributing to a significant reduction of both the space used inside the device and the size of customers’ end products.
Hirose Electric Co., LTD | www.hirose.com | US-BM50-DS-21-361-1.0 |Issued March 2022 BM50 Series FEATURES: Compact design with high power contacts - Rated Current: Power contact 15A, signal contact 0.3A - Mated Height: 0.6mm, Depth: 2.0mm Fully armored robust design Minimized contact resistance contributes to power savings
Electrical specifications and performance data contained in this specification document are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions.
BM50U-4DS/2-0.35V(53) - 广濑电机集团 [连接器] - HIROSE
标准产品. 标准品连接器。包括USB、D-sub连接器、工业以太网的IEC标准型号和RJ45等。我们提供不同的连接方向、高速类型和防水类型,供您选择。
Adapter SM-BM50+ www.minicircuits.com P.O B 5 Bn NY 25 5 mncccm PAGE 1 OF 3 REV. D ECO-016727 SM-BM50+ MCL NY 230202 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS T AMB =25°C APPLICATIONS y Interconnection of RF cables and equipment y Testing FEATURES y Flat Response y Excellent VSWR y Low cost adapters, available from stock y …
Hirose Electric’s New BM50 Series Has Been Selected as a CES® …
Fully Armored Power and Signal Hybrid FPC-to-Board Connector that Supports Up to 15A. 1. Compact design with high power supply capability. 2. Fully armored design ensures high robustness. 3. Minimized contact resistance contributes to power savings. The newly developed BM50 Series solves the battery connectivity issues of smartphones.
【本地科研】 「 魚仔機」b-MOLA® NCCO 空氣清新機。醫院級 …
2020年8月7日 · 今次收到的型號「BM 50」是他們的家用機系列,售HK$3,288,坦白說,同類體積的機款來說它不算平價機,不過這部機貴就貴在它用了獨家專利NCCO技術。 「NCCO」全名為「Nano Confined Catalytic Oxidation」,中文是「納米氧聚解空氣淨化技術」;這項淨化技術結合了活氧產生器及氧聚解反應層,一起殺滅細菌與病毒,以及將有害的污染物分解為無害的水及二氧化碳。 ......我作為文科人表示完全不知道這是甚麼(笑),但知道它可以 殺滅 99.9% H3N2 …