Equinor and partners announce final investment decision for BM-C-33…
2023年5月8日 · BM-C-33 will be Equinor’s second FPSO in Brazil using combined cycle gas turbines, significantly reducing carbon emissions during operations. The technology will also be applied in Bacalhau, in the Santos Basin, and it combines a gas turbine with a steam turbine to take advantage of the excess heat that would otherwise be lost.
Equinor awards two major contracts for the BM-C-33 project in …
2023年5月10日 · Equinor and partners have decided to develop the BM-C-33 project in the Brazilian Pre-salt area, with an investment of approximately USD 9 billion. Facts about BM-C-33 Partners: Equinor 35 % (operator), Repsol Sinopec Brasil 35 %, Petrobras 30%
FPSO Raia | Projects - MODEC
MODEC is responsible for the design and construction of the FPSO, including topsides processing equipment and hull marine systems. The FPSO will have topsides designed to produce approximately 125,000 barrels of crude oil per day as well as produce and export approximately 565 million standard cubic feet of associated gas per day.
BM-C-33 Gas and Condensate Field, Campos Basin, Brazil
2023年7月28日 · BM-C-33 is a gas and condensate field being developed in water depths up to 2,900m in the Campos Basin pre-salt, approximately 200km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Equinor, a Norwegian oil and gas company, is the operator of the field with a 35% interest, with Repsol Sinopec Brasil (35%) and Petrobras (30%) as partners.
Partners have chosen concept for BM-C-33 project in Brazil
2021年3月18日 · Equinor, together with license partners Repsol Sinopec Brasil and Petrobras, have approved the development concept for BM-C-33, a gas/condensate field located in the Campos Basin pre-salt in Brazil. “BM-C-33 is a key project in our portfolio and concept select is an important milestone in our effort to mature the project.
大船集团将获得挪威国油BMC 33 FPSO建造合同 | SinorigOffshore
2021年11月4日 · 巴西 bm-c-33是挪威国油产品组合中的关键项目。 天然气和石油/凝析油将被输送到FPSO,上按照销售规格进行处理并外输。 挪威国油选择了一种新型船体,以适应该领域30年的使用寿命。
BM-C-33 gas and condensate Field, offshore Brazil - NS Energy
2023年6月30日 · BM-C-33 is a deepwater gas and condensate field being developed in the pre-salt region at the southern part of the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil. The licence is situated approximately 200km from the shore, in water depths up to 2,900m. BM-C-33 comprises three pre-salt discoveries- Pão de Açúcar, Gávea and Seat.
Conceito do projeto BM-C-33 é definido com parceiros
O BM-C-33, um campo de gás/condensado localizado no pré-sal da Bacia de Campos no Brasil, foi operado pela Repsol Sinopec durante sua fase de exploração, onde importantes descobertas foram realizadas: Seat (2010), Gávea (2011) e a grande descoberta de gás e condensado, o prospecto Pão de Açúcar (2012).
Modec为BM-C-33 FPSO选定船厂左右为难,必有苦衷 - shipoe.com
2022年12月29日 · 据悉,2022年三季度,Modec选定了博迈科海洋工程公司为BM-C-33 FPSO建造上部模块。 根据谅解备忘录,博迈科将参与建造用于发电、低压分离和公用事业的上部模块,其余模块工作将分配给挪威Aibel在泰国的设施。
Equinor celebra dois grandes contratos para o projeto BM-C-33
2023年5月10日 · O BM-C-33 vai utilizar a tecnologia de ciclo combinado no FPSO para reduzir a intensidade de CO2. O contrato do FPSO é principalmente na modalidade de lump sum turnkey e inclui engenharia, aquisição, construção e instalação para toda a unidade.