BMD-1 - Wikipedia
The BMD-1 is a Soviet airborne amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), which was introduced in 1969 and first seen by the West in 1970. BMD stands for Boyevaya Mashina …
BTR-D - Wikipedia
The BTR-D is a Soviet airborne multi-purpose tracked armoured personnel carrier. It was introduced in 1974 and first seen by the West in 1979 during the Soviet–Afghan War. BTR-D …
BMD-1伞兵战车 - 百度百科
BMD-1伞兵战车,1970年开始装备苏联空降部队,1973年11月首次在莫斯科阅兵式上展出,1979年苏军在阿富汗战争中曾大量使用。 苏联每个空降师装备有БМД伞兵战车330辆,每 …
BMD-1步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2022年2月28日 · BMD-1伞兵战车 (俄语:Боевая Машина Десантная-1 简称БМД—1)是 苏联 于1960年代研发,1973年正式装备苏联 俄罗斯空降军 的一款 水陆两栖 步兵战车。 是 …
BTR-D airborne APC (1972) - tank-afv.com
The BMD-1 of 1969 was the world's first airborne IFV, entering service with the Soviet Army, but keeping many flaws due to its compromised nature. Notably a cramped troop compartment …
BMD-1 airborne IFV (1969) - tank-afv.com
For mobility, the BMD was given a 5D-20 V6, four stroke, liquid cooled, 15.9 litre diesel engine. It provided 241 hp (180 kW) at 2,600 rpm, and a power/weight ratio of 32.1 hp/tonne (24 …
BMD-1 - Weaponsystems.net
The BMD-1 is a mechanized infantry combat vehicle of Soviet origin. It was specifically designed for use by the Soviet air assault division and has the unique ability to be air dropped from …
苏联空降兵的火力支援装甲车BMD-1(БМД-1 ... - 百家号
2024年12月6日 · BMD-1是苏联时代的空降战斗车辆,专为空降部队设计,能够与运输机搭载的降落伞系统(如PRSM-925 Reaktavr)一起使用。 这种系统允许BMD-1通过空降方式迅速部署 …
BMD-1 Airborne Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Federation of …
BMD-1 Airborne Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The BMD airborne amphibious infantry combat vehicle (AAICV) superficially resembles the BMP, although it is considerably smaller. The BMD-1 can …
BMD-1步兵戰車 - Wikiwand
bmd-1傘兵戰車(俄語:Боевая Машина Десантная-1 簡稱БМД—1)是蘇聯於1960年代研發,1973年正式裝備蘇聯俄羅斯空降軍的一款水陸兩棲 步兵戰車。是 bmd系列傘兵戰車 的第一 …