ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The BMD-3 was designed to address the flaws in the BMD-1 and BMD-2 designs. This armored fighting vehicle is one of the lightest in its class and is intended to be a fire support platform for...
BMD-3 airborne IFV (1990) - tank-afv.com
BMD-3 in early green livery (1990) showing its maximal hydropneumatic depression. It is 2.17 m (7 ft 1 in) high in this configuration BMD-3 in the standard 3-tones summer/spring pattern. BMD means "Боевая Машина Десанта", Boyevaya Mashina Desanta or …
BMD-3 (Boyevaya Mashina Desanta) - Military Factory
2022年2月27日 · The BMD-3 was a further installment in the relatively successful line of light amphibious, air-droppable infantry fighting vehicles serving with Soviet airborne forces. The BMD series was technically billed an "airborne combat vehicle" though its field operation was more akin to a traditional "infantry fighting vehicle" (IFV).
BMP-3 - Wikipedia
BMP-3K (komandnyi) – Tactical command variant, includes additional radio R-173, an intercom for seven users, an AB-R28 independent portable power unit, a navigation device TNA-4-6 and the "Ainet" air burst round detonation system. The BMP-3K lacks the bow machine guns and has its whip antennas mounted on the rear hull.
Blackmagic Design
专为电视行业设计的高性能闪存存储方案,上至48TB容量、搭载快速100G以太网、4个10G以太网以及Blackmagic Cloud同步功能! 新款Thunderbolt采集和输出方案, 搭载现场制作填充和键视频、 扩展桌面、10G以太网和监看功能! 价格亲民的全新2110-IP视频转换器系列,适用于播出和现场制作,设有监看、摄影机和演示型号。 Ultra HD广播级监视器,搭载12G-SDI和SMPTE-2110 IP视频输入! 采用1RU紧凑设计的强大音频监测设备, 搭载精准音频表、12G‑SDI和SMPTE …
BMD – pancerz rosyjskiego desantu [ANALIZA] - Defence24
2019年7月13日 · BMD-3 jest desantowany systemem wielospadochronowym PBS-950 Bachcza-PDS (bez platformy) z samolotów IŁ-76M (trzy pojazdy w ładowni). Na bazie BMD-3 opracowano prototyp platformy mającej zastąpić BTR-D.
BMP-3步兵战车 - 百度百科
BMD录机支持B-RAW硬刚ProRes RAW | HDR自习室⑬ - 哔哩哔哩
BMD的Video Assist带液晶屏的高清监看录机系列发布于2016年,未上市就宣布加推支持4K的型号,液晶屏尺寸包括5英寸和7英寸版本。UGC学院之前也进行了试用,但真正让我用起来的理由并不多:
BMD-4步兵战车 - 百度百科
BMD-4履带式空降战车(俄文:БоеваяМашина Десантная-4,英文:BMD-4 Airborne Infantry Fighting Vehicle,北约代号:瓜园-Y),是 俄罗斯 KBP仪表设计局在BMD-3型履带式空降战车的基础上,进行现代化改进而成的BMD系列伞兵战车的第四款战车。
BMD-1伞兵战车 - 百度百科
主炮为1门73mm的2A28低膛压、短后坐长度的滑膛炮,炮重115kg,弹药基数40发,用位于炮手右后方的自动装弹机装弹,当1发炮弹发射后,火炮回到3-30′的仰角位置。 配用的弹种为定装式尾翼稳定破甲弹,初速400m/s;当采用СПГ-9重型 反坦克火箭筒 的 火箭增程弹 时,最大习行速度为665m/s,直射距离为800m,最大射程1300m。 火炮俯仰和炮塔驱动均采用电操纵,必要时也可以手动操作。 在主炮右侧有1挺7.62mm 并列机枪,用弹带装弹,弹药基数为2000发。 在炮塔 …