Birth, Death and Marriage Historical Records
You can search and order New Zealand Government records for births, deaths and marriages (BDM) here. The historic data available for you to search is limited so that information relating to people who might still be alive, can be protected.
Search - Department of Internal Affairs
Registration numbers for individuals with the same name can be sequential as index books were scanned to create the records. You can search for:
Births, Deaths & Marriages Online
Welcome to Births, Deaths and Marriages Online. This site is for people who have a verified RealMe account or for approved organisations to order certificates and printouts. Please go to the RealMe website for more information about RealMe and verified accounts. Non-historical records that can be ordered through this website are:
Birth Search - Department of Internal Affairs
When searching, you must enter: A Registration Number. You can search for: To achieve the best results you should use a 'less is best' approach. If you receive too many results then narrow your date range. Searching pre 1875 records: If you search a specific date and the date of event is not in the database, the entire year is searched for you.
Births, Deaths and Marriages - bdm | New Zealand Government - Govt.nz
3 天之前 · Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) registers and maintains New Zealand birth, death, marriage, civil union and name change information, and issues certificates and printouts. You can apply online if you live in NZ, or you will arrive in NZ more than 3 …
Search historical birth, death and marriage records | New Zealand ...
2025年2月22日 · New Zealand birth, death, marriage, civil union and name change certificates are public records. In most cases, they can be ordered by anyone.
In New Zealand | New Zealand Government - Govt.nz
2025年3月8日 · Apply for a BDM service online; Current processing times; BDM contact centre. The BDM contact centre is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm. Freephone: 0800 22 52 52 (NZ only) Phone from other countries: +64 9 339 0852. Email: [email protected]. Postal address: PO Box 10526 Wellington 6140 New Zealand. Our offices
New Zealand, Civil Records Indexes, 1800-1966 - FamilySearch
New Zealand, Civil Records Indexes, 1800-1966 Index only collections of birth, marriage and death records. The original records are located with the New Zealand Government, Internal Affairs.
Births, Deaths & Marriages Online
You can order certificates and printouts online from Births, Deaths and Marriages, if: you have verified your RealMe account. Learn about verified accounts at www.realme.govt.nz. you belong to an organisation approved by the Registrar-General. Contact us for more information on how to register an organisational user. WHAT’S NEW?
Birth, Death and Marriages Index - Dunedin Public Library official website
Birth, Death and Marriage Indexes to the Registrar General’s records are the basic genealogical tool. These are annual microfiche indices to registrations in New Zealand from 1840 to 1990. They are housed in the Genealogy Room, on the third floor.