BMP-1 - Wikipedia
The BMP-1 was a threat to NATO APCs, light AFVs, and even MBTs of its time, by use of its main gun or ATGM. Nevertheless, the strong anti-tank focus of its armament didn't provide sufficient …
BMP-2 - Wikipedia
The BMP-2 (Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty, Russian: Боевая Машина Пехоты, literally "combat machine/vehicle (of the) infantry") [4] is an amphibious infantry fighting vehicle introduced in …
2A28 Grom - Wikipedia
The gun is relatively compact and weighs 115 kilograms (254 lb). In the BMP, the gun is brought to bear by an electric motor, with a manual mechanical backup. The maximum horizontal and …
BMP-1步兵戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BMP-1步兵戰車 是 蘇聯 第一種 步兵戰鬥車,其設計是 輕型坦克 和 裝甲運兵車 的結合。 蘇聯陸軍 自 第二次世界大戰 開始即奉行大裝甲戰爭,以坦克組成裝甲師對敵國進行衝鋒的大縱深作 …
BMP-1AM - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年5月24日 · The BMP-1 was a welded hull, amphibious armored fighting vehicle mounting a central one-man turret armed with the 2A28 Grom 73 mm low-pressure smoothbore gun and …
BMP-3 Infantry Combat Vehicle - Army Technology
2000年4月26日 · It is a tracked, armoured, amphibious vehicle designed to engage armoured ground and air targets while stationary, on the move and afloat. In 2007, the Russian Army …
Return of the Arm Pistol! The New Hydra Weaponry BMP-23 - Guns.com
2024年5月30日 · Hydra feels the BMP-23 is the 5.56mm pistol that Gwinn Jr. would have built if he had access to today’s CNC machinery and technologically advanced materials. While …
Soviet BMP-1 IFV (1965) - tank-afv.com
During the battle of Medina Ridge, a single Bradley knocked out a first BMP with just three 25 mm chain gun rounds, and two with nine in a 60-second firefight with various Iraqi Republican …
BMP-1 Fighting Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
2022年11月3日 · Developed by the Soviet Union for use on the front lines, the BMP-1 was designed to protect combatants from nuclear radiation, chemical and biological weapons, and …
BMP-1 - Weaponsystems.net
Restored civilian-owned BMP-1 mechanized infantry combat vehicle in the field. Improved mechanized infantry combat vehicle. Features a larger turret with 30mm 2A42 autocannon. …