BMP-1 with Kliver TKB-799 Turret - Tank Encyclopedia
2022年6月3日 · The BMP-1 was a welded hull, amphibious armored fighting vehicle mounting a central one-man turret armed with the 2A28 Grom 73 mm low-pressure smoothbore gun and fed by an autoloader mechanism. The vehicle also featured a coaxial PKT 7.62 mm machine gun and a 9M14 Malyutka missile launcher mounted on top of the Grom’s barrel.
BMP-1步兵戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BMP-1步兵戰車 是 蘇聯 第一種 步兵戰鬥車,其設計是 輕型坦克 和 裝甲運兵車 的結合。 蘇聯陸軍 自 第二次世界大戰 開始即奉行大裝甲戰爭,以坦克組成裝甲師對敵國進行衝鋒的大縱深作戰,故此要求步兵要跟隨坦克一起行動,這也是裝甲運兵車出現的原因,尤其是冷戰期間蘇軍預計會和西方發生核戰爭,故要求裝甲車輛可以運送士兵穿過核污染地帶直攻西歐,故在1966年蘇聯進一步推出BMP-1步兵戰鬥車。
BMP-1: The first mass-produced infantry fighting vehicle of the SSSR
2022年11月7日 · BMP-1 is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) developed in the early 1960s to replace BTR-50P series tracked APCs and was first seen in public in 1967. It was replaced in production by BMP-2 ICV, which, although similar in appearance, has a slightly different layout and new turret and weapon system. The latter followed BMP-3.
BMP-3M - Army Recognition
2025年1月5日 · The BMP-3M is an modernized version of the standard BMP-3 tracked armoured infantry fighting vehicle designed and developed by the Russian Company Kurganmashzavod. The BMP-3M with its new improvements offers more capabilities in terms of fire power, mobility, protection increasing combat efficiency of standard BMP-3 IFV.
从苏联到俄罗斯联邦,BMP3进化史 - 哔哩哔哩
bmp-3m是bmp-3的升级版。 由于安装了新型涡轮增压660马力的UTD-32T发动机和改进的火控系统,使该车能够识别目标,并在更大的范围和速度下进行打靶,因此在机动性和火力方面超过了基本版。
装甲猎犬:BMP-3步兵战车的结构图 - 哔哩哔哩
bmp-3乘员为车长,炮手和驾驶再加7名士兵,车长和炮手在双人炮塔中(车长在右而炮长在左),驾驶在车身前方中央位置,左右两侧各有一个士兵坐位,士兵坐位前方各有一挺pkt机枪,其余5名士兵坐在后方的运兵舱内,其座位也有枪孔可用手上的枪械向车外开火 ...
BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle | Full specifications & all models
Mounted in the two man turret, the turret bustle acts as an unprotected magazine for x22 rounds that are fed into the breach via an automatic loader. An additional x18 rounds are stored in the hull.
关于BMP 与BTR步兵战车 - 百度知道
2024年12月19日 · bmp,即步兵战车,是一种专门设计用于携带和支援步兵作战的装甲车辆。 它装备有反坦克武器,能够有效对抗敌方坦克和装甲车辆,同时也有一定数量的机枪或自动火炮来提供直接和间接火力支援。
BTR Turret to BMP - C4 Defence
2018年8月27日 · The system, equipped with a 30 mm 2A72 cannon and a 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun, allows the BMP-1AM to engage from 2000 meters to armored vehicles. The weapon system, which has an elevation angle of -7 to …
Army Guide
The complete weapon system of the BMP-3 infantry combat vehicle is known as the 2K23 and consists of the 100 mm gun 2A70 with a 30 mm 2A72 automatic cannon (see later in this section) mounted coaxially to the right and a 7.62 mm PKT coaxial machine gun. All three weapons are on a common elevation mounting.
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