View topic - Continuous autofocus for BMPCC 4K? - Blackmagic …
2019年3月13日 · BMPCC has similar sensor to GH5 and - while it's not officially mentioned - it has the same capabilities. The cool thing about BMPCC fpga chip is, it's completely re-codeable so it has no software restrictions other than hardware related.
DaVinci Resolve: Input color space and gamma for BMPCC 4K Gen 5
2022年6月12日 · I'm trying to figure out the right settings for a color space transform in DaVinci Resolve 18. For something I am trying to do, I need the output color space to be rec 709 and the output gamma to be Cineon film log. My footage comes from a BMPCC 4K with the Gen 5 …
prores和bmdraw都不如cdng好吗,它们的最高参数都是有损压缩 …
目前有选购视频机的需求,在bmpcc4k、适马fp之间摇摆不定,主要看中的是12bit和raw的后期调色能力,不太理解新出的prores和bmdraw… 首先,如果你只是为了选择机器,放弃适马fp选bmpcc4k是对的,fp现在还没办法回放dng。 接着回答你的问题。 先纠正一下,新出的是prores raw,目前仅有大疆的飞行器和atom录机支持,后期只能进fcpx,你指的应该是prores,是苹果系统的特有编码。 你需要搞清楚,无论prores,braw,dng都只是编码。 不同机器,甚至不同 …
为什么选择BMPCC而不是Sony A7M3或其他同价位设备 ... - 知乎
Bmpcc是真正的电影机,其codec和编码都是符合工业标准的。 而A73 只有8bit 420的色彩范围和Long Gop的编码,其优势就是素材体积小,但和bmpcc的素材相比其信息量是完全无法相比的。
BMPCC4Kのフィルタ交換記 - NIMTA
2022年3月3日 · BMPCCシリーズはファン付きなので、長時間収録でも安心です。 2021年頃から動画系特化の”ミラーレス”カメラにもファンがついたモデルが増えた気がしますね。 初期出荷時のバージョンではCinemaDNGで収録できましたが、現在はBlackmagic RAWで収録する方がファイルの取り扱いも便利です。 ProRes収録というのも、編集までの流れが軽くて嬉しい点です。 ただしデータレートがすごいので、ストレージに余裕がないと、この二つはただの欠点 …
A Way To View BMPCC Logged Hours? - Blackmagic Forum
2025年3月18日 · There are exactly 3 nonvolatile memory devices in the BMPCC: The main program flash which has not enough resource to keep counters, the real time clock which is backed with the tiny Li battery which could be easily erased by disconnection of the said battery and the SD flash which is removable.
Blackmagic Forum • View topic - old BMPCC and 60fps, why not?
2019年1月17日 · You also know that BMMCC is only FPGA technology, even most likely with the same FPGA chip? No? then you should also check it out. And believe me, Spartan 6 is very good! There might be problems writing on the SD card, but then I would be very happy to use 60fps via HDMI output and record with Video Assist or Atomos Recorder.
如何看待新bmd发布的blackmagic raw? - 知乎
不需要额外的录机,在bmpcc上充分发挥出了小体积轻量化的优势、这对于单兵作战和小团队、特种拍摄等都很实用。 它的第二个优势是文件体积很小。 和cinema DNG一样,bmd raw在达芬奇中可以调整色温,曝光等参数,但不同的是bmd raw的文件体积可以调整压缩比 ...
what exactly does the BMPCC do that a DSLR can't? : r/bmpcc - Reddit
2022年6月27日 · This is probably due to the power hungry use of FPGA circuitry, not ASIC circuitry that everybody else (except Arri) uses. BM is constantly fine tuning things by getting under the hood with the sensor and giving you a new …
About how to in fully use of Bmpcc dynamic range to exposure ... - Reddit
2022年7月17日 · BM gets a lot of complaints about the battery drain on their multipurpose FPGA microchips, but they able to offer more features regularly with firmware updates. BRAW is constantly getting quality upgrades at no cost to Blackmagic camera owners, as evidenced by a recent firmware update to the URSA Mini Pro 12K.