BMT is a maritime-orientated high-end design house and technical consulting firm driven by a passion for solving complex, real-world problems. We deliver design, engineering and consulting excellence in a world of ever-increasing change: growing compliance, new global competitors, the pressure to do more with less, ever-faster innovation cycles ...
Introduction to BMT
BMT exists to help navigate some of the most important and impactful engineering challenges of our time, creating an environment where people with outstanding technical knowledge strive to deliver a safer, more efficient, and sustainable future. Across the project lifecycle, our global team of specialists turns complexity into clarity.
BMT Group - Wikipedia
BMT Group Ltd (previously British Maritime Technology), established in 1985, is an international multidisciplinary engineering, science and technology consultancy offering services particularly in the defence and security, critical infrastructure, commercial shipping, and environment sectors.
Address : 17 Sinsojaesandan2-ro, Jangan-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan, 46031 South Korea TEL : +82-51-780-5000 FAX : +82-51-780-5100 Business Registration Number : 606-81-28130 CEO : Yoon Jong Chan
Building Services Engineers | Building Management Technology
Building Management Technology Limited offers a range of consultancy services from design of mechanical and electrical systems through to technical support and development of concept and detailed schemes.
公司简介>概述>企业信息 | BMT SUPERLOK
BMT的管道系列产品适用于石油、燃气、造船、海洋、超低温流体(LNG等)、发电、石化工业等领域工艺管线(Process Piping)施工。 在产品的设计、制造、试验及供货过程中严格遵守API6D、ASME B16.34 等标准,并满足客户要求,在严酷的各种工业使用环境中发挥卓越的 ...
Introduction to BMT businesses: Fittings (SUPERLOK), Process Piping & Cryogenic Valves, UHP Fittings/Valves, Distribution Boards, Switchboards, Smart Energy Management System
BMT Home
At BMT we are driven by a shared and incrementally achievement scaled future vision of being recognized internationally as highest-quality, research-driven biomedical engineering solutions and service provider, excelling at successfully bridging the gap between health care and engineering solutions.
BMT Group
BMT Group is an industrial, family-owned holding company that invests in high precision machining companies with market leadership positions. BMT’s DNA consists of achieving operational excellence in delivering the highest quality …
BMT Electric & Energy
2024年9月10日 · Introduction to BMT Electric & Energy businesses: Distribution Boards, Switchboards, Motor Control Center, Smart Energy Management System (BEMS, FEMS)