请评价一下BMW 130i?有什么黑科技?有什么容易坏的地方?
宝马130i是一款性价比较高的大排量后驱小钢炮,不论操控还是行驶质感还是动力,绝对吊打普通小钢炮。 而且普通130i比较常见,130iP版你们见过几台?
BMW 1 Series (E87) - Wikipedia
The first generation of the BMW 1 Series consists of the BMW E81 (3-door hatchback), BMW E82 (coupe), BMW E87 (5-door hatchback) and BMW E88 (convertible) compact cars. The E81/E82/E87/E88 generation was produced from 2004 until 2013 and is sometimes collectively referred to as the E8x.
BMW 2008 1 Series 130i | 車款介紹 - Yahoo奇摩汽車機車
130i則是1 Seires的上級車款,搭載全球最輕的直六引擎,並結合Valvetronic與Bi-VANOS等先進科技的加持,造就了265hp的最大馬力與32.1kgm的最大扭力,並擁有6.3秒達成0~100km/h加速的不凡實力。 至於搭載直四引擎的120i,雖然等級較為入門,但是也因Bi-VANOS與Valvetronic系統的助力而具有156hp、20.4kgm的輸出與9.2秒的0~100km/h加速性能。 暴力旅行中! 零百加速只要3.6秒的旅行車。 BMW M3 Competition Touring M xDrive. 終於等到M3旅行車! 好爸爸們的 …
2006 BMW 130i - Car and Driver
2006年9月30日 · BMW's smallest is one of its best. Think of it as a lighter, sharper, quicker 3-series. Think of all the worst excesses of current BMW design in a smaller package, and you can see why the...
BMW 130i specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times - FastestLaps.com
2005 BMW 130i specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times, top speed, engine specifications, pictures, updated October 2024.
2005 BMW 1 Series Hatchback (E87) 130i (265 Hp)
BMW 1 Series Hatchback (E87) 130i (265 Hp) Hatchback 2005 2006 2007 | Technical Specs, Fuel consumption, Dimensions, 265 Hp, 250 km/h, 155.34 mph, 0-100 km/h: 6.1 sec, 0-60 mph: 5.8 sec, 9.2 l/100 km, 25.57 US mpg, 30.7 UK mpg, 10.87 km/l
BMW 130 usata - compra su AutoScout24
Cerchi BMW 130? Tra le offerte recenti di auto usate trovi anche BMW 130 - su AutoScout24, il marketplace di automobili online in Europa.
10万上下最好玩的后驱钢炮——宝马130「破车评」 - 搜狐
2018年9月29日 · 130与普通的小钢炮车型不一样的地方是,它拥有着天生后驱的特性以及丰富的驾驶质感,再搭配上一台在钢炮车型里绝对算得上是大排量的3.0升直列六缸发动机。
别惹我 我是130!宝马130性能测试篇【图】_宝马评测_太平洋汽 …
2009年9月17日 · 作为"大马拉小车"的代表作之一, 宝马1 30的动力心脏还是那款经典得不能再经典的直列6缸发动机,最大功率190/6600 KW/rpm、最大扭矩300/2750-4000 N·m/rpm。 采用了铝镁合金曲轴、电子气门以及双凸轮轴可变气门正时系统。 运用在330、530和730等车型之上的同一款引擎相信也不会令人感到陌生。 当这次坐到 宝马1 30的驾驶位置上时,记忆中那种在赛道上咄咄逼人的感觉,在按下"Engine Start"按钮后,随着大马力引擎独有的低沉咆哮声又回来了。 …
BMW | 130 | 2007 | Car Buyers Guide
The 2007 130 edition is one of BMW's most popular cars. Read our road test and review to see if it is as good as they say. There really is no need for a rear-wheel drive, Focus-sized prestige car, but that didn’t stop BMW building one and charging €30,000 for the hub-capped base model.
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