PiBUS - A Raspberry Pi-BMW Interface Board
PIBUS is a little circuit board and bridges the gap between the car's infotainment system and Raspberry Pi. The latest version of the PiBUS board (V4 HiFi) also contains a high quality sound-chip. You'll love the way it sounds.
[宝马BMW] PI-ISPI Next 系统 - 道客巴巴
2021年6月10日 · ISPINext系统学员手册描述了安装ISPINext环境所需的步骤和日常运行所需的工作。
Hacking BMW I-BUS With Raspberry PI - mono.software
2016年12月1日 · I-Bus can be found on all BMW E39 (5-series 1995-2003) E38 (7-series 1994-2001) E46 (3-series 1998-2005) E53 (X5 1999-2006), some Minies under BMW and some Rovers. I decided to put in Raspberry PI 2 as a media player but use all original displays and controls already present in the car.
HOME | BMW ISPI Next System Online Coding Flashing
Access to BMW Group technologies for use with the BMW AIR EPC Online or with ISPI Next. Getac tablet and the genuine BMW ICOM Next A or ICOM B and ICOM D, support BMW RR Mini Cooper and BMW Motorrad Bikes.
【宝马BMW】PI-ISPI Next 系统 - 百度文库
这也意味着 BMW AG 为硬件(通过不同的地区 SLA)以及为规定用于相应设备的 {ISPI Next} 应用程序提供支持。 {KeyReader}:{KeyReader} 用于从车钥匙中读取车辆数据。该设备可以继续使用且可以通过 BMW AG 提供。 MBOX:MBOX 设备是商标为 BMW 的摩托车的测量系统。
Multimedia computer for older BMW cars based on Raspberry Pi
Multimedia computer for older BMW cars based on Raspberry Pi - KLUSEK/BMW-RPi-iBUS
PeteAU/pibus: Raspberry Pi BMW ibus interface software - GitHub
Raspberry Pi BMW ibus interface software. Contribute to PeteAU/pibus development by creating an account on GitHub.
PiMost Raspberry Pi HAT USB-C Power - moderndaymods.com
This is a fully featured MOST bus hat for a Raspberry Pi that I have created and designed. I believe it is the first of it’s kind so it’s important that it’s clear what it does, what it can do, and what it doesn’t do! Features – OS8104AAQ chip – USB power input – Timer to hard switch power off 30 seconds after no most activity
Raspberry Pi 5 Android Automotive OS Head Unit - BIMMERPOST
2024年5月24日 · AAOS is designed for cars and has drive friendly UI. It would be nice to somehow switch screens to say a streaming device such as Chromecast with google tv and be able to control via iDrive controller. Device to run AAOS? I've had a look and found RPi5 would probably be best to develop this system on as it has a large community behind it.
【宝马BMW】PI-ISPI Next 系统 - 百度文库
【宝马BMW】PI-ISPI Next 系统-交换机:对于已经装备了 ISPI 硬件的经销商来说,可以使用源自以前 ISIS 修理厂服务器的交换机(为此另见章节 (ISIS) Switch。新安装 {ISPI Next} 时必须购置符合规定系统要求的网络交换机。{ISSS Next}:设备 {ISSS