2025 BMW iX Order & Pricing Guides - BIMMERPOST
2024年1月28日 · The ordering and pricing guides for the 2025 iX have come out, dealers are just starting to get allocations for the 2025 model year. The base price has only gone up $150, which seems like a small win. There is a new option, Code ZID, Interior Design Package which includes M Interior Trim in Dark Silver and an M steering wheel.
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BMW iX3.
Electric motor BMW eDrive technology Maximum output (kW/hp) 210 / 286 Maximum torque (Nm) 400 Electrical range¹ , NEDC (km) 470 Electrical range¹ , WLTP (km) up to¹ 460 Battery type (High voltage) Lithium-ion High voltage battery energy content (kWh) 80 ... (ZID) Created Date:
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