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English-Corpora: BNC
The British National Corpus (BNC) was originally created by Oxford University press in the 1980s - early 1990s, and it contains 100 million words of text from a wide range of genres (e.g. spoken, fiction, magazines, newspapers, and academic).
BNC Network - The region's largest construction intelligence …
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British National Corpus (BNC)|语言学数据集|语料库数据集
2024年10月25日 · 在语言学研究领域,British National Corpus (BNC) 数据集被广泛用于分析英语的词汇、语法和语用特征。研究者利用BNC中的丰富文本资源,进行词频统计、搭配分析以及语料库驱动的语言模型构建。
BKG NTRIP Client(BNC) note - CSDN博客
2024年5月28日 · 采用BNC软件进行实时精密单点定位时,其主要功能是接收来自Ntrip Caster的由IGS提供的精密轨道和钟差的改正系数,以及实时广播星历数据流,并对其进行解码,同时通过TCP/IP、UDP通讯接收来自测站接收机的观测值,通过这些数据流完成精密单点定位。
CABNC by saulalbert - GitHub Pages
The CABNC corpus is a open-licensed, detailed conversation analytic re-transcription of naturalistic conversations from a subcorpus of the British National Corpus amounting to around 4.2 million words in 1436 separate conversations. The project aims to produce transcripts usable for both computational and detailed qualitative analysis.
BNC接头有哪几种类型?用途有什么区别? - 知乎
bnc连接器是常见射频连接器之一,是一种小型的可以实现快速连接的卡口式连接器。 BNC接头支持的信号频率范围4-4GHz, 特性阻抗有2种:50欧姆、75欧姆。
and the British National Corpus (BNC) - English Corpora
Here we will briefly compare the two corpora in terms of corpus size, genre coverage, and how up-to-date they are. (Note: some of the data below is from just the part of the BNC that was released a generation ago -- in the early 1990s, and which is the version available at https://bncweb.lancs.ac.uk/).
British National Corpus - Wikipedia
The British National Corpus (BNC) is a 100-million-word text corpus of samples of written and spoken English from a wide range of sources. [1] . The corpus covers British English of the late 20th century from a wide variety of genres, with the intention that it be a representative sample of spoken and written British English of that time.
BNC,全称是Bayonet Nut Connector(刺刀螺母连接器,这个名称形象地描述了这种接头外形)。 主要用于串行数字接口视频信号、业余无线电天线、航空电子、测试设备等。
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