ICR-1 - Call of Duty Wiki
At most ranges, the ICR-1 will take either four to five shots to kill. This is low for the assault rifle class, and is tied with the HVK-30 and M8A7 for the lowest damage per shot in its class. Unlike the HVK-30, the ICR-1 also possesses an average fire rate, making the ICR-1's time-to …
目前最全最细的CODM细节勘误,与原作对比:BO2,3,4&AW(不包 …
第一行是CODM和BO3里的ICR-1的盲射以及开镜射击的对比,首先CODM无论盲射还是瞄准射击都感觉枪往后坐的很厉害,再加上CODM里ICR-1的机瞄日天了,显得后坐力大。 枪口火焰也拉了。 另外就是,CODM没有还原原作的透明光点机瞄,不仅变成了黑塑料片子甚至还胖了一圈。 其次射击时明显照门左偏,这也是不久前才有的,作为ICR-1的拥趸我实在是接受不能。 目前貌似还没有修复。 第二行是CODM和BO3的换弹对比,CODM里不仅扩容弹匣的寄吧冲锋枪弹匣建 …
2022年12月16日 · i seriously did not know this mod existed until I asked hunter to make one, and he told me he already did. so I'm insanely happy with the quality of this mod...
BO2 M27 "Nuclear" Vs. BO3 ICR-1 "Nuclear"! Which Is Better ... - YouTube
Mitch - / @yaboimitch Song - • Video I hope you enjoyed today's video BO2 M27 "Nuclear" Vs. BO3 ICR-1 "Nuclear"! Which Is Better?! Call Of Duty Weapon Comparisons!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Subscribe...
对CODM中一些武器的原型探究:突击步枪篇 - 哔哩哔哩
根据美国法律,只有下机匣才要注册,巧的是我看不出这个下机匣......所以也就说不出这是啥枪。 扩容弹匣基于Surefire MAG5-60. 啥时候手游能整个榴弹发射器就好了。 新版 枪酱 枪匠里的护木更丑了。 模型上快慢机是半自动档位。 2:ICR. 这枪托是怎么伸缩的? 黑色行动里的未来版HK M27 IAR(班用自动步枪,没听错,班用)。 依就懒得放图(被打)总而言之就是HK416,到美国改了个名而已。 稍微还能看出由PMAG GEN M3 W魔改的弹匣和由HK E1魔改的枪托。 最想让我 …
【使命召唤12】加强版ICR?使用PeceKeeper MKⅡ来感受在BO2 …
相关游戏: 使命召唤:黑色行动3 简介补充: 这把枪非常好用(确信),能让你在BO3中感受到BO2枪械的感觉。 (BO2无论是上弹还是枪声都很好听啊! ) 而且我也很久没备用近战在背包里了。 现在刀枪后背的感觉真的有意思。 PS:虽然我也很尽力能让视频60帧,但是机子或者是录制软件的缘故。 录制起来虽然60帧到了,但是刷新率却没有提高。
ICR-IFS高速弹鼓:轻机枪变强,穿墙无衰减 - 百度贴吧
经过多次测试,老狼终于搭配出最舒服的枪械配件: ICR核心射程和TTK选择IFS高速弹鼓和金属被甲弹,而负面属性则用JPI 轻型一体消音枪管和无枪托来平衡。 最后佩戴颗粒握把皮提升精准度就可以啦。 如果和老狼一样不喜欢机瞄的话,可以将颗粒握把皮换成红点瞄准镜就可以啦~ 枪械更加适合中距离作战,由于使用配件后穿甲伤害很高,因此建议多穿点! 而由于弹药充足但开镜时间较长,多打提前枪也非常不错! 副武器建议携带藤棍、唐刀、拳套等强力武器游走即可! 终 …
TTK comparison of past meta weapons : r/CoDCompetitive - Reddit
2022年2月7日 · Maddox - 5 shot kill at 722 RPM. Kills in 332ms. ICR - 5 shot at 600 RPM.
[BO2] The M27(HK416) was my favorite AR from BO2. I wish it
2024年3月21日 · it actually came back in bo3 as the ICR-1, it looks more futuristic like it fits bo3s theme but the model is heavily inspired by the bo2 M27 and it even has the same reload animation. suppressor and dual mag was my go to :) thx for the memories. Love the M27. that thing had zero recoil. Agreed. I just want the HK MP5🥲.
What is the best AR in each game in your opinion? : r/CODZombies - Reddit
WaW - STG Bo1 - Commando/Galil Bo2 - MTAR Bo3 - ICR/Man-O-War Bo4 - Maddox Cold War - Krig. Unsure of the other games as I don't play them enough. Bo2 is very clearly the an94 unless you don't consider it because its not avaliable on every map. Yeah if it's not the AN94 for BO2 it's the wrong answer. I agree with basically all you said.
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