Optical third harmonic generation in black phosphorus
2017年8月22日 · We present a calculation of Third Harmonic Generation (THG) for two-band systems using the length gauge that avoids unphysical divergences otherwise present in the evaluation of the third order current density response. The calculation is applied to bulk and monolayer black Phosphorus (bP) using a non-orthogonal tight-binding model.
Optical third harmonic generation in black phosphorus
2018年1月22日 · We present a calculation of third harmonic generation (THG) for two-band systems using the length gauge that avoids unphysical divergences otherwise present in the evaluation of the third-order current density response. The calculation is applied to bulk and monolayer black phosphorus (bP) using a nonorthogonal tight-binding model.
In this paper, we investigate BP’s optical nonlinearity by measuring both the polarization and thickness dependence of THG in multilayer BP samples. We find that the THG in BP is
Nonlinear optics in BP. (a), (b) Third-harmonic generation (THG) in …
Nonlinear optics in BP. (a), (b) Third-harmonic generation (THG) in a multilayer BP flake. Reprinted with permission from [89], copyright (2017) American Chemical Society. (a) Optical image of the BP flake. (b) THG mapping image excited by a 1557 nm pump laser.
Giant enhancement of third-harmonic generation in …
2020年12月14日 · A bandpass (BP) filter isolates the third-harmonic signal, which is coupled into a multimode fibre and sent to a superconducting-nanowire single-photon (SNSP) detector.
Layer Tunable Third-Harmonic Generation in Multilayer
2016年7月19日 · Strong THG has also been observed in few-layer BP (also known as phosphorene), which is an orthorhombic crystal within the D 2h point group and has a unique structural configuration that...
Anisotropic THG in multilayer BP [128]. (A) Dependence of THG …
Download scientific diagram | Anisotropic THG in multilayer BP [128]. (A) Dependence of THG on the incident polarization. Zero degrees corresponds to the x-axis (armchair direction) of the...
Rapid and Large-Area Characterization of Exfoliated Black
2017年4月6日 · Here, we present a study of the anisotropic third-harmonic generation (THG) in exfoliated BP using a fast scanning multiphoton characterization method. We find that the anisotropic THG arises directly from the crystal structure of BP. We calculate the effective third-order susceptibility of BP to be ∼1.64 × 10-19 m 2 V-2. Further, we ...
Nonlinear optics in BP. (a), (b) Third-harmonic generation (THG) in …
Since being rediscovered as an emerging 2D material, BP with extraordinary energy structure and unusually strong interlayer interactions offer new opportunities for optoelectronics and photonics....
Two-dimensional materials for tunable and nonlinear metaoptics
The second- and third-order nonlinear processes such as second-harmonic generation (SHG) and third-harmonic generation (THG), respectively, are the most common nonlinear optical effects.