佩森港(BRPEC,Pecem)|巴西佩森港口|佩森港港口代码-南美洲-世界 …
佩森港(Port of Pecem,BR,港口代码:BRPEC)又译为培森或帕尔西蒙,在巴西塞阿拉州的两个大港口之一。它位于Sao Goncalo do Amarante市。 佩森港在2013年,全年共处理货物630万 …
培森港口_巴西培森 (pecem)港口介绍_培森 (BRPEC)港口代码
培森 (PECEM)是巴西两大港口之一。 它位于圣贡萨洛的苋菜,塞阿拉州.巴西. 在2013个港口处理了630万吨货物,较去年增长了40%,截至2010日,PECEM港进入了一个阶段性扩张,巴西 …
Port of PECEM (BR PEC) details - MarineTraffic
Real-time updates about vessels in the Port of PECEM BRPEC: expected arrivals, port calls & wind forecast for PECEM Port, by MarineTraffic.
Port of Pecém - Wikipedia
The Port of Pecém is one of the two big ports in the state of Ceará, in Brazil. It's located in the municipality of São Gonçalo do Amarante. [1][2] In the year of 2023 the port handled 17.3 …
培森-PECEM-港口代码BRPEC-航线南美东 - 邦阅
邦阅网为您提供培森(pecem)港口,代码brpec的详细信息,邦阅港口查询具有强大的港口查询数据库,可提供全面、准确的港口信息查询,港口编码等查询服务。 数据服务
Pecem, Brazil (BRPEC) - VesselFinder
Port of Pecem (Brazil) - Real-time data for recent ship arrivals and departures, ships in port and scheduled vessel arrivals. Weather information and forecasts for the next 7 days.
PECEM Port - Ports Directory
Pecém Port, located in the state of Ceará in northeastern Brazil, is a significant logistical hub for both domestic and international trade. Here is a comprehensive description and...
Pecém - Brazil | Port of Rotterdam
Pecém's strategic location gives it the potential to become the logistical and industrial hub of Northeast Brazil. The Industrial Area has some of the main manufacturing units in northeast …
Port of Pecem BRPEC, map, contact details, related companies …
Presentation of Pecem in the region of Brazil by Maritime-Database.com. Pecem is a port in Brazil, America (South).
BrPec Agropecuária | LinkedIn
A BrPec Agropecuária S/A é uma empresa produtora de commodities agrícolas, focada na produção de soja e milho, e proteína animal – originação, cria, recria e confinamento de …
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